Part- 11 I Will Never Let You Go!

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Sanem POV

It gave me a relief after what all Can told me. I had never been so scared in my life. Can kissed me tightly on my forehead giving me assurance and an unspoken promise. Mom was right when she told me that I am blessed to have Can as my husband. Making me recall our conversation in the kitchen the day we were leaving for Sydney.

Flashback -

I was helping mom clear the dishes after our lunch.

Sanem, are you sure about your decision to go to Sydney? What does Can have to say about it? Does he know your reason? Mom asked.

Yes, mom, I have spoken everything to Can, and he has decided to come with me. Can knows the reason I am going to Sydney, I told him I will go on my own but he has asked a transfer of his job for me. This is all because of baba if he would have allowed me I had not to use my honeymoon as a way to reach Sydney nor would I need a help of a stranger! I said

Sanem!! Can is your husband, not a stranger! I can understand your bitterness at what circumstances your father has got you married, I understand your hurt but your blessed enough that Can is supporting your dreams, standing by you and being your strength; Mom scolded me.

Tamam, mom, tamam! I say as I didn't want to discuss anymore.

End of flashback:-

Sanem POV

After Can stood up for me when Baba was standing against me, mom was even prouder of Can. He has been good to me, and I am truly grateful. Though I have nothing against Can, I yet had my own worries, doubts and opinions of him, after all he is yet a complete stranger for me.

Sanem; Can softly kissed my cheek, bringing me out of my thoughts; are you ok?

I nodded, he wiped my tears.

I have made a pact for us to follow. Tamama. We will always talk to each other if something is troubling us, no hiding or bottling it up. OK ; Can said.

Tamam; I said.

One more pact, actually, no its an order! Can looked serious

What's it? I asked

You, Sanem Divit are not allowed to cry. I should only see you smiling and laughing! Can said, I smiled in return.

I find that smile to small; saying that he started tickling me.

Can, stop! I say laughing, suddenly realizing I am yet sitting on his lap. Getting up I sit on the couch in front of Can.


Phew!! It was a relief to see Sanem smiling. She had agreed to the pact, but I have a feeling that she will not voice her thoughts when she has to, anyways I will sense it and get it out of her mouth anyhow. My phone beeped, indicating a message has come. I checked it and passed the phone to Sanem.

Sanem, look at these, they are the photos of the houses, from these you can choose which you like, so we can go directly to them instead of wasting time seeing each house personally; I said

House? Sanem asked

Evet, we will be staying for a week in a hotel, then shifting to our home; she looked puzzled; we will be in Sydney for a year, when you showed me your appointment letter it was written that its a one year contract.

What about you Can? I mean is your job in Australia for a year? Sanem asked

My job doesn't have a time limit Sanem. As Australia is not only a country but also a continent, my hands will be full for a whole year as a travel photographer, the only thing being I will have to venture out of Sydney when I have finished photo graphing the whole place. Saying that I saw Sanem face dropping making me sad and happy at the same time. Sad because she's sad and happy because she wants me to be with her the same way I want to be with her.

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