The party

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Sorry guys for not updating.Im going to be more active now that I'm in Summer vacationnnsss.
Thank you guys for all the love and support.And because of that here is a long chapter.This is currently one of my faves.
Enjoyyyy :)))

Cheryl's POV

The next day I woke up super early.Earlier than normal.It might I've been because I was excited to see Toni but who knows.

It was currently 6:25 and school didn't start until 7:00 so I just stayed in my car and called Kevin.

"Heeey girl,why you calling so damm early" he said. "Just to inform you that,you have to be here....I'm bored" I said while looking at my freshly, manicured,red nails. "Right Now?!" He asked surprised. "Ummm yes...I have to spill some tea" I said. "Ohh Okay I'll be ri- " he tried to finish but a voice in the background interrupted him. "Who's calling you babe". "It's Cheryl,can you take me to school?" Kevin asked. "Yeah sure,let me just take a quick shower" the other male voice said. "Omg!!Did you spend the night at Fangs place?!!" I asked excitedly. "Omg don't even start....I'll spill  later" he chuckled. "Okay...Can't wait" I squealed.

I ended the call and waited about 13 minutes.I started to re-apply my red lipstick.I made sure my hair was perfection and applied some more mascara.

I heard some loud roaring and instantly knew it was Fangs bike.I got out of my car and waited for them to park. "Hey Cheryl" Fangs said dryly as he hugged Kevin from the side.I knew Kevin made him greet me because of how Kevin looked at him with a 'seriously' face.Fangs and the other Serpents never liked me....well it might've because I had always been a bitch to them since they closed Southside High and they moved here,to our school.I never really had my own reason to hate them but my parents really hated them after my brother died.They made me hate them and I did.

I gave him a weak smile and Kevin instantly started talking. "Soooo what were you going to tell me?" He asked all excited. "Actually.." I thought for a minute if I should actually tell him. "Oh c'mon I told you about Fangs" he whined.I looked around us and noticed that people where already arriving.Fangs was no longer in sight so I walked towards a bench and sat on it. Kevin followed and sat right besides me. "I kisse- well we both kissed....anddd,we haven't talked about it,but we keep seeing each other.And we occasionally flirt" I admitted. "Omg.THE Cheryl Bombshell is dating someone!!" He whispered-yelled. "Nooo we are not dating" I said sadly. "But you want to" he said. "Yes.-I-I don't know.I mean I guess.But I don't know if she wants to" I said and looked at him. "Ohhh, and who's this 'someone'?Have you guys been on a date?" He asked excited. "We went to Pops"I said and shrugged . "Well,at least it's something.I feel like I know who it is" Kevin said smiling.

I was about to say something but there was a loud roaring similar to the one from Fangs bike.We both turned to the direction of the noise and saw 2 figures on motorcycles.They both parked next to my car and killed their engines.They were both Serpents obviously but one was way taller than the other.The taller one  took off his helmet and it was Sweetpea. Wow, now that was new,he's never here for 1st or 2nd period.The second figure swinged their leg off the bike and stood up,taking their helmet off.I smiled when I noticed it was Toni.She shook her hair out,pink curls falling on her shoulders.

She noticed how I was staring and smirked.I smiled shyly and waved. "I was right" Kevin said out of nowhere. "What?" I asked. "It's Toni!!.You know Cheryl,it's really obvious." He said and laughed. "You weren't supposed to know who it w-" I tried to say but got interrupted by Toni. "Hey Cher.Hey Kevin" she said and smiled. "Hi Toni" Kevin waved."T.T, you're here early" I said sarcastically. "Only for you Bombshell" She said and laughed. "Welp,I gotta go.umm,Fangs looking for me" he said and left.

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