The party (pt 2)

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This isn't one of the chapters that I really like but it's alright in my opinion

1:57 (Toni's POV)

I was now starting to get bored and more bored,but I wasn't leaving until Cheryl left or someone took her home.But seeing that Ronnie was as wasted as Cheryl,I didn't think she could take her home.

So I waited and waited until I had to take a bathroom break.The party was still crazy but there was a less people than before so there was no waiting line.

When I got out,I didn't see Cheryl nor Ronnie.I started to panic and looked around.They weren't dancing anymore and they weren't in the kitchen.I went to where I was sitting earlier with the blondie and there they were.All passed out.Cheryl was sitting with her head falling forwards and V on her lap with her hand hanging off the couch.

'How the fuck am I going to take them home...I can't take them on my bike'. I looked around the room and the people that were still here were either passed out or still dancing. "Toni?" A red headed boy asked. "Archie?" I asked. "Heyy" I said as I hugged him.Archie was one of my best buddies.I had his back and he had mine.We started getting really close but then I had to move to New York so we lost contact. "Did you move back?Are you going to Riverdale High?" He asked excited. "Yeah I am.I moved back this week I think.I haven't seen you!!.Look at you.All buff and shit" I said and playfully punched him in the chest. "I know.I heard a Toni Topaz was trying out for the team and I was like MY Toni Topaz??I was so excited.I hope you make it" he said content. "Yeah I hope I make it too.We should hang out sometime.You still play CallofDuty" I asked,my mood instantly changing. "Hell Yeah.Im a beast.Don't try me Topaz" he said trying to do a serious tone but failed when I laughed. "Ohhh Yeah sure.Im pretty sure I could beat you" I said laughing.After a little chit chatting Archie out of nowhere asked me:

"Have you seen Ronnie?Ive been looking for her.Im supposed to take her home" he said and looked around. "Actually She's right here" I said as I moved to the side. "Oh shit.Are you taking Cheryl?"he asked while trying not to laugh. "Yeah I guess" I said and laughed.
"Welp good luck" he said as he carried Ronnie bridal style and exited the house.

I looked back at Cheryl and she was still passed out.I couldn't take her on my bike.It was too dangerous.So I looked for a purse on her or something.

I finally found a red purse and looked through it.She only had her phone,red lipstick, mascara,credit cards and her keys.

I took the keys out and placed the purse around my neck. 'I'm pretty sure I look like a dumbass right now'. "The things I do for you Cher" I said out loud and carried her bridal style out into the front yard. I received looks from everyone including all the Serpents.But I didn't care.If I didn't take her home no one else would.And I care about Cheryl I really do.

I unlocked the car and tried my best to open the passenger door but it was hard since I was carrying Cheryl with both hands. "Need help?" someone asked from behind me. I turned around and was met with Kevin. "Hey Kevin,Yeah I guess so" I said and smiled. He made his way to the car and opened the door. "You know this is really nice of you" he said while holding the door open.I crouched down a little and placed Cheryl in the passenger seat carefully.Scared that she might wake up and want someone else to take her home. "Yeah I guess..." I said and looked at Kevin.He looked back at me with raised eyebrows.Should I tell him? " I-I really like her Kev, but....I think I did something wrong?She doesn't talk to me like before,I'm just so.....stupid.I don't even know what I did wrong!!" I said unhappy and held my hands up on my sides as a ' I don't know what to do'.

"Just talk to her Toni.Get her to listen to you...I'm pretty sure she has some things to say as well" he said in a apologetic tone. "And how am I supposed to do that?Her parents hate me and-and she's not going to want to see me" I said getting anxious. "First of all,don't EVEN think about taking her to her house" he threatened. Okay? . "Her parents would kill her if they saw her like this" he said
while looking at Cheryl.He then looked at me and said "let her spend the night at your'll help" he said and left.

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