Chapter Eight: Clark. Oh, Clark.

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At CatCo, Kara stood behind her desk, Mon-el beside her. He had his hand around her back. Kara smiled at his show of affection towards her.

"Do you wanna go to lunch?" Mon-el asked as Kara flipped through lose papers on her desk. She paused and looked back at Mon-el. 

"Wait, Lunch? Its still early." Kara laughed. Mon-el gave her a funny look and glanced down at his watch. His looked back up at Kara and smiled. 

"It's 11:57" Mon-el laughed. Kara had a surprised look on her face. 

"Wow. I must have really lost track of time." Kara laughed. "I thought it was still like 9:30..." Kara said a bit embarrassed. Mon-el smiled. He thought that she was so cute when she was confused. 

"So is that a yes?..." Mon-el asked.

"Yes! Yes! I want to spend as much time as possible with you! I love you!"  Kara thought to herself as she looked into his loving eyes. "Sure!" She said, chuckling. "I'd love to!"

"Great!" Mon-el smiled back at her. Kara took a step closer. Now they stood in a almost hug. Mon-el put his hands other back, and Kara did the same. Together, they stood there, in CatCo, and shared that special moment. 

Breaking the silence, and the moment, Kara's phone rang. Making both Kara and Mon-el jump a little. 

Kara turned away from her boyfriend, and back to her desk. She picked up the phone and answered. "Clark! Hey!" She greeted her cousin through her phone.

"Hey, cuz! We still on for lunch today?" Clark asked.

"Agh! I totally forgot about my lunch plans today!!!" Kara thought  before saying anything. "Uh-Yeah! Totally! Noonan's at 12:15?" Kara asked quickly, trying to cover up her lack of memory. 

"Sounds great! see you soon!" Clark said before hanging up the phone. 

Kara set her phone down on her desk, and turned to Mon-el. She couldn't believe she had forgotten about that. 

"So it looks like I completely forgot I have plans for lunch with Kal-el." Kara said honestly, as she covered her face in her hands. "But you could come too! if you would like." Kara said as she removed her hands from her face.

Mon-el smiled. He didn't know Kal-el very well. They had only met twice now, but Mon-el had heard amazing things about him from Kara. 

"I would love to!" Mon-el replied. "I'd really like to get to know Kal better."

Kara smiled really big. She was so excited for her cousin and boyfriend to become friends. 

"Ah, Yes! You'll love him! he's awesome!" Kara said, grinning.

Mon-el laughed. "Now, if he wasn't your cousin, I might have to be worried about you talking about another man that way..." Mon-el joked.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." Kara punched his shoulder playfully, and laughed, leaning into Mon-el. She hugged him tightly, then pulled away and  gave hime a quick kiss. 

"We better get going." Mon-el tells Kara. She nods and grabs her purse. They leave CatCo and walk to Noonan's, where they are meeting Clark.

They walk up the sidewalk, hand in hand. When they reach the door, Mon-el lets go and opens the door for his girlfriend. Kara smiles as she walks in. Immediately, she spots her cousin sitting at a table to the right. 

As the couple approach him, Clark notices them coming towards him, and looks up. 

"Hey!" Clark says as he smiles at the two love birds.

"Hi!" Kara says back, as she and Mon-el take a seat at the small table in the middle of the restaurant. 

"Mon-el, right?" Clark asks. "Or, wait-  Mark?..." He asks Mon-el, unsure of his name remembering skills.

Mon-el laughed. "Yes, Mon-el. But it's actually Mike." 

"Its so confusing having a secret identity sometimes." Mon-el thought to himself.

"Got it!" Clark said, giving Mon-el a thumbs up.

Kara just smiled at her two favorite aliens bantering back and forth.

"So how are things in metropolis?" Kara asked changing the subject. 

"Good. Pretty boring right now, to be honest." Clark said looking from Kara to Mon-el. 

Kara smiled, and Mon-el nodded. They knew what it was like when there was no crime to stop. I mean, of course they didn't like it when people broke the law, but it at least gave them something to do as a superhero. 

"Hows Lois?" Kara asked. 

Clark smiled at the thought of his girlfriend. "She's great! We're great!" Clark said happily.

"Awesome! Thats really good, Clark." Kara told her cousin. 

"Thanks Kara." Clark smiled.

She smiled back and turned to Mon-el, who looked a little bit confused. "Lois is his girlfriend." Kara explained. 

"Ahh" Mon-el said as things started to make more sense in his head.

Clark nodded. "So, you two? Huh?" He asked both of them, with a happy expression. He was so proud of Kara. She had really grown from the scared little girl he found in a pod 13 years ago.

"Mhm! Yep!" Mon-el said fairly quickly. kara grinned and nodded happily. 

"Good! I'm happy for you two!" Clark said as he slightly nodded towards Kara in approval. Kara smiled back.

"Sorry for kind of crashing game night last night..." He said trailing off.

"Yeah, about that..." Kara said teasing. "No, you're fine." She smiled at her cousin.

Mon-el looked at Kara and nodded. Then back to Clark. "Yeah. And now Lena knows, so it was best anyway." Mon-el finished. 

"True!" Kara stated.

Clark looked at the both of them. "She really did take that a lot better than I thought she would." He said pondering for a moment. "When I told Jimmy, well, lets just say that he didn't even take it as well as she did." Clark finished. 

Kara looked down at her hands on the table for a minute and then glanced back up at Clark, who was sitting across the table from her. Then Mon-el interrupted her thoughts.

"Have you talked to her since then?" He asked Kara? 

Kara looked at him. "No." She said shaking her head slightly. "I'll talk to her today though. Make sure everything okay."

"Good idea. It does seem kind of weird. And from my experience, Luthor's are great liars." Clark stated.

Kara just nodded. She didn't want Lena to be mad at her.  "I mean, she kind of has the right to be mad..." Kara thought.

HI! sorry it took me so long to update! I got really busy. But I will try to update more frequently. Thanks for reading! Have a GREAT day! <3

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