Chapter Ten: Challenge

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"Looks like Miss Lockett is in a dilemma." Shadow commented while looking at the girl he was tasked to investigate.

Shadow just recently arrived in a secret room that overview the whole hall to relay Ebony's report to his master. At first, Shadow thought that master would be at his office, completely immersed in his works. Never did he expect that his master is watching the Scholar's Exam.

"Master, do you think she would accept the challenge?" Shadow couldn't help but ask.

"Yes. Haven't you notice how she carry herself? Just from her posture you could already tell that she's the type of girl that wouldn't back down. She is that prideful."

Shadow couldn't help but contemplate his master's words. He did noticed how Miss Lockett exudes this queenly aura. And true to how his master said it, Miss Lockett accepted the challenge with an unrelenting gaze.

"Let's see how will this turn out."

Serenity never did expect that she is currently a source of entertainment for certain people as she was busy with the problem she is facing.

"But why don't we add a little spice to this challenge?"

Serenity narrows her eyes at Lindsey. It's obvious that Lindsey is planning on humiliating her. But Serenity is not the type of person that backs down.

"Okay. What is it?" Serenity said coldly.

"If I win, I want you to back down from this examination."

The crowd behind her began to murmur. This exam is very important for scholars as it gives them the prospect of getting a stable job. Backing down from this chance is like cutting their chance of a bright future.

Serenity raised one of her eyebrows and gaze at the four judges for their opinions.

"We rarely have scholars challenge each other. Now that the stakes are raised high I'm giving you a second chance. Are you going to accept this challenge?" The second prince said, giving her leeway to this predicament.

Although the judges really wanted to see a good showdown between these talented miss, they really did not want to lose this young violinist just because of a challenge.

Lindsey looked at Srenity with a triumphant smirk. She really expect Serenity to back down and by doing so, solidifies her title as the most talent and intelligent miss seeing that no one is willing to put up a fight with her.

The people though expected this kind of act from Lindsey. Though labeled as the most talented and intelligent miss, she isn't regarded as the kindest one especially to those that has the potential to take her title. Although selfish and mean, it is easily overlooked by people because of her achievements.

"I accept." Serenity said, earning gasps of shock from the crowd.

The judges despite disappointed that the young girl really chose her pride over her future, respected Serenity's decision.

Lindsey only snorted at Serenity. Although she really expected her to back down, winning this challenge isn't a big of a deal either.

"Fine with me."

"But," Serenity said with a chilling smile, "If I win, I want you to run around this hall on all fours with the word 'dumb' on your forehead."

The crowd gasped in shock, again. Although Serenity's punishment is too humiliating, one could easily sacrifice their dignity if it means that they could get a job in the future. To them, commoners, it would be easy, but as for the prideful Miss Lindsey who really values her reputation, this would surely take a big hit on her ego.

And sure enough, Lindsey is red from rage because of what Serenity said. The air around them became tense and serious.

Contrary to a certain someone who is currently laughing at this turn of events.

"What a petty girl." Adonis commented as he tried to stop his laughter, completely ignoring the weird look he is getting from Shadow.

Well, you couldn't blame Shadow's reaction as this is the first time he saw master laughing geniunely. Not a fake or cold one, but a real geniune laugh. This cause Shadow to view Miss Lockett in a new light.

"So Miss De Lune, you dare to accept?" Serenity asked haughtily.

Lindsey frowned and without missing a beat said, "I dare to accept!"

"Okay. Let's get this over with." Serenity mumbled as she turned around motioning towards the butler. And by doing so, Serenity missed seeing Lindsey whispering something to the girl that spoke up earlier.

"You know what to do." Lindsey whispered to the girl. The girl nodded and stealthily went out of the hall unnoticed.



[Lindsey is up to something.]

Do you know what she did?

[She whispered something to a girl. And the said girl went out of the hall and is currently doing something to the paint when the butler wasn't looking.]

Hm. I think I know what Lindsey is doing. Can you stop the girl?

[I'm sorry host but I don't have the abilities.]

It's okay. I'll think of a solution... somehow.

The crowd began to quiet down as the head butler went back inside the hall carrying two large canvases and acrylic paint. Setting up the canvas so that it faces to the side making that both the judges and the crowd wouldn't easily see the painting.

"The rules are simple. There is no theme, which means both of you can paint whatever you want. Alloted time is only ten minutes." The butler said whilst motioning towards the canvases. Signalling for them to start.

Lindsey immediately chose the one on the right. Serenity, left with no other choice, chose the one on the left in which the acrylic paints are tampered with.

[What are you planning to do now host?]

I honestly don't know.

[. . . . .]

[We're doomed.]

I thoughy you said earlier you believe in me?

[Just forget that I said that.]

Serenity snorted and focused more on the butler giving instructions.

"The time is 3:58. You may start now."

Immediately, after the butler gave the signal, Lindsey started painting. Serenity also did the same. She dipped her brush on one of the acrylic paints and tried painting.

Note the word tried because however hard Serenity pressed the brush on the canvas, the paint just beads up and wouldn't stick to the canvas.

[Host, one minute already passed.]

Serenity sighed in frustration. She glared at the canvas trying to think of a way.

The crowd couldn't help but stare at Serenity in curiosity. Wondering why she isn't doing anything and is only staring at the canvas. Compared to Lindsey who haven't even put down her brush.

Ah, what to do? I need to find another source of paint fast.

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