Chapter 17

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Thomas woke up to a message from Alex.

Alexander Hamilton: Good morning!

Thomas smiled. As confused as he was about his feelings, he knew that he loved talking to Alex.

Thomas Jefferson: Good morning!

Alexander Hamilton: Is it a good morning, Thomas?

Thomas Jefferson: I mean I woke up to a good morning text as opposed to the usual zero notifications so so far this is a good morning.

Alexander Hamilton: That's lovely, Thomas.

Alexander Hamilton: You know what else is lovely? This chocolate peanut butter smoothie I'm making right now.

Thomas Jefferson: Mmmm... That sounds good. I love chocolate.

Thomas Jefferson: I like dark chocolate. People don't like it cuz they think it's too bitter but I love it!

Alexander Hamilton: I love dark chocolate. It's bitter like me.

Thomas Jefferson: It's bitter like my dark edgy soul.

Alexander Hamilton: Wow, we really are edgy.

Thomas Jefferson: wow this is getting way too deep for 8am can we just talk about chocolate?

Alexander Hamilton: Whoops. I have a tendency to make conversations about random things really really deep. Sometimes I get overexcited, shoot off at the mouth.

Thomas Jefferson: Its okay. I have a weird habit of making every conversation about my weird obsession with macaroni and cheese

Alexander Hamilton: weird obsession with macaroni and cheese?

Thomas Jefferson: Whenever I'm sad I eat a huge bowl of macaroni and cheese and it makes me feel better. I couldn't eat it a lot while I was dating James because he's lactose intolerant.

Alexander Hamilton: fun fact people are actually supposed to be lactose intolerant anyone who isn't has a genetic mutation that gives them the ability to drink milk. The majority of the population is lactose intolerant.

Thomas Jefferson: So... I'm a mutant?

Alexander Hamilton: It's okay. I'm a mutant too. We can be mutants together!

Thomas Jefferson: Macaroni and cheese is a gift to this world.

Alexander Hamilton: I prefer plain pasta to mac and cheese. Mac and cheese reminds me too much of high school where this crazy girl threw macaroni and cheese at our Physics teacher and when he went to the principle to complain the principle was covered in macaroni too.

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