My Name Is Taehyung, By The Way

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It was probably 11 at night by the time I left work. I had a job as a pizza delivery driver, so I worked wonky hours. Most days, I went to school between 8 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, and then I work until late at night. After work, I head home and do my homework, and then I head to bed. I haven't gone to sleep before 1 in the morning for 2 years.

As I pulled away from the back of the fast food restaurant, I realized my gas tank was almost on empty. I knew I had a TON of homework, so I pulled into a gas station. I hopped out of my car and locked it, placing the nozzle for the gas pump into the car and running inside.

I proceeded to the area of the store I knew all too well; the energy drinks. They were having a 2 for the price of one sale so I grabbed 10 drinks. I know it might sound excessive, but I prefer to be prepared.

While juggling all of these drinks, I couldn't see in front of me, and I pummeled into someone.

Because of the fact that I'm constantly sleep deprived, combined with the dread that filled me about having to stay up even later than normal, I snapped.

As the cans crashed to the ground, I yelled.

"Watch where you're going!"

"I'm sorry. That was my fault I should've been paying more attention. Sorry," a deep, raspy voice said, following me to the floor to help me pick up the drinks.

After collecting what appeared to be half the drinks, I stood up and finally looked at the person that caused yet another delay in my packed schedule for the day.

He was gorgeous, to say the least. He had honey colored skin that seemed to radiate throughout the small building. His jaw was square, but not pointy, and somehow his face still gave off a soft, delicate look. His lips were pink and full, and they were spread into a boxy smile, showing off his perfectly straight teeth. His nose was just the right size for his face, rounded on the front and gracefully blending with the rest of his ethereal features. He has gorgeous almond shaped eyes, with lashes bordering them perfectly. He looked Korean, but he had light blue eye colored contacts in, making his dark blue hair pop in contrast. There was not a flaw on his skin; it was as perfect as I could only dream of my skin to be.

"Umm... my bad. I'm sorry for bumping into you. I should've moved when I saw that you couldn't see where you were going," the beautiful man apologized to me, giving a slight bow with his head.

I snapped out of my trance and blushed at the fact that I was staring at a stranger. He looked oddly familiar, but I'm sure it was nothing, so I just looked down at my feet and back up at him.

"No it was my fault. I shouldn't have tried to carry this many drinks at once, I'm just rushed to get back home," I said, reaching to try and take the drinks back from him. He pulled away slightly.

"Let me buy these for you. It's the least I could do after causing you so much trouble."

"No that's okay," I responded, feeling a little strange letting someone buy me something when I didn't even know his name. As if he read my mind, he walked over to the register and placed the drinks down before he began talking.

"Really, a few dollars doesn't matter much to me," he said, pulling a 20 dollar bill out of his wallet. I was standing next to him by this point, and along with a few American bills, there were some other bills that I didn't recognize. I just nodded and placed the rest of the drinks on the counter.

It was silent the rest of the time that the cashier rang up the purchase. Once all of the cans were placed into a bag, the man held out the bag at arms length to me, the same boxy smile plastered on his face as before.

"My name is Taehyung, by the way. Kim Taehyung."

"Oh umm... my name is Evie. Evie Winters."

"Nice to meet you, Evie. I'm sorry again for the trouble," he said, bowing slightly.

"It's okay. Not a big deal. Thank you, Taehyung," I said with a slight smile. He looked slightly taken aback at the casual use of his name, but I blinked once and whatever look of shock that was there was quickly gone.

I walked out of the gas station and back to my car. The gas was done pumping, so I took the nozzle out, close the gas tank, and paid. I hopped into my car and drove off, ready for a long night of studying.


The updated chapters and all future chapters will probably be shorter. Sorry!

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