Evie, Open This Damn Door

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I had been quite a while since Taehyung had started ignoring me. I wasn't sure how long, exactly. I didn't quite pay attention to the date, the classes, the information, or anything. Taehyung had given me so much energy and life that I didn't realize until I didn't have it.

I woke up one morning, I think it was a Monday, and checked my phone.

My heart stopped when I saw one particular notification.

Taehyung- I'm sorry for ignoring you. I can't tell you why, but I'm sorry.

Evie- Okay. It's okay. You don't need to tell me why I'm just glad you're okay.

Taehyung- I'm so so so so so so sorry, but we can't talk anymore. I'm sorry.

Evie- What? What's happening?

not delivered

My heart broke. He blocked me and I was heartbroken.

Why am I so broken by this... do I maybe... like him? I thought to myself as I rolled back over in my bed.

I didn't get up that day. Or the next day. Or any day for the next 2 weeks. I missed class. I ignored everyone from Ava to Alec to Mia.

One morning, eyes red and puffy from crying and a half eaten cup of ramen sitting on the nightstand, I woke up to screaming from outside my dorm room door.

"EVIE OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR," Mia yelled from outside.

This is gonna be a long morning, I thought as I rolled back over and waited for her to come inside herself.


Hahahaha cliffhanger losers. Jkjk I love you all I'll try to update again before school starts back up on Wednesday.

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