His Name is Taehyung. Kim Taehyung.

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The front door swung open and Mia came stomping through the house, slamming my door open.

"Why the fuck have you been ignoring- oh," Mia yelled, stopping and quieted her voice when she saw the state of the room. Her eyes scanned over the room, taking in the empty soda and coconut water cans and the semi-crushed ramen cups everywhere. She stopped with her eyes on me, taking in my oily, knotted hair, my red, puffy eyes, and my 2 weeks old clothes.

"Evie..." she whispered, making her way over to my bed and sitting down next to me. I didn't respond.

"What happened?" she asked quietly, rubbing my back. Those two words were all it took for me to burst into tears again and sit up, clinging to Mia's shirt.

"So a couple months ago or something I ran into a guy in the gas station one night and he gave me his number. And I decided not to message him but we ran into each other at the volleyball game I went with Alec to and he got my number so we talked for a few weeks. He showed up at him house drunk for no reason and then just started ignoring me and when he messaged me back a couple weeks ago he said we couldn't talk anymore," I managed to say in one breath.

"Oh... What was his name?" Mia asked, her normal curious self peaking out even when she is trying to console people.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung," I mumbled, falling back onto the bed and passing out almost immediately. What I didn't see, was Mia's jaw drop and her eyes widen, as I fell deep asleep, happy to have gotten everything off my chest.


I'm sorry for the short chapters but hopefully the chapter will be longer next time

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