Are You Two... Together?

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I had finally finished getting ready. Even though I had about 2 hours to get ready, I was running late, because I couldn't decide what to wear.

Eventually I had called Alec and he had come over to help me decide. He picked out a cute yet comfortable outfit. It consisted of a skin tight black cropped tank top, a long pink cardigan, dark blue jeans covered in holes, and black combat boots. He insisted that Mia do my makeup. I knew there was no use arguing, so I just let them have their fun.

When they were finished, I looked like a million bucks. But I was running late.

In order to get to the volleyball stadium on time, I would've had to leave my dorm by 11:30, but because of the makeup, outfit, and dinner decisions, it was 11:45 and we had just gotten in the car.

Thankfully, the streets were empty due to the fact that it was almost midnight.

Even after leaving 15 minutes late, we only arrived at the volleyball stadium 5 minutes past 12.

"Now Mia, I know you want to meet him, but you need to wait in the car until I come get you, okay? Do not come whenever you want because I need to have a serious conversation with him and I love you, but I cannot have your fangirling get in the way and scare him off," I stated, not looking at her once and looking in the mirror to apply a thin coat of lip tint. She silently nodded and I got out of the car.

I knew Taehyung was already there because I saw his car parked outside, so I just had to find him.

The mission didn't prove to be very difficult because he was standing in the middle of the volleyball court. I walked down to meet him.

"Taehyung," I whispered. I didn't know why I whispered. There was nobody else there. But the dark aura radiating from the place made me feel the need to whisper.


That was all that was exchanged between us for a few minutes, until Taehyung stepped closer to me and pulled me into a hug. I was shocked for a moment, but soon hugged him back.

When we broke apart, he spoke.

"Evie, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'm sorry I broke off contact with you instead of telling you who I was. I'm sorry for everything."

"I understand why you did what you did," I replied, reaching out and rubbing his upper arm. He looked at my hand for a few seconds before grabbing my arm and lightly dropping it.

"I really don't think you do. I stopped talking to you because I didn't want you to deal with what I have to. I didn't want you to have to hide from cameras. I didn't want you to have to leave your dorm in the middle of the night to see me. I didn't want to have to hide you. I like you too much to do that..." he ranted. His voice lowered towards the end, but I still heard him.

"What?" I asked, stunned at the confession.

"I like you, Evie. From all the conversations we had, I learned so much about you. I don't know when the feelings developed but they did. And when I realized it, I realized I couldn't ask you to give up everything for this. I couldn't tell you I was famous. I couldn't tell you I was from a different country, a different continent, because then one of us would get hurt. You would either get hurt because I would have to leave, you would get hurt because you had to leave everything you know behind, and I would hurt because of one of those things too. Either way, we would both end up hurt, and I couldn't do that to you. So I ended our friendship before it could go any further," Taehyung ranted, tears visibly forming in his eyes.

I could watch him torture himself for his so-called "one sided feelings" so I didn't. I took a step towards him and cupped the side of his face.

"Taehyung, look at me." He obliged.

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