Meeting the Others (1)

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It was a couple weeks after Taehyung and I had become official, and it was the day for Mia and I were going to meet the other members. I was a nervous wreck when I woke up.

I proceeded to get ready for the meeting. We decided not to meet until noon, which gave me plenty of time to get ready.

I had barely finished doing my hair when I heard a knock on the door. I yelled for the person to come in, considering the only people that ever visited me were Mia and Alec. I began to apply my makeup, starting with dots of concealer under my eyes and underneath my cheekbones. I had blended about half of it when I heard someone clear their throat behind me.

I turned around to be met with Taehyung leaning against the bathroom door frame.

"Ack what the hell, Taehyung. Why did you not tell me you were on your way?" I exclaimed.

"I did, my love. Check your phone," he chuckled, leaning back against the wall. I picked up my phone, and indeed there were multiple missed calls and texts from him.

"Oh... sorry," I chuckled, turning around to continue the process of getting ready, only to shriek in embarrassment.

"Taehyung get out get out get out I look like a monster," I shrieked, jumping in the bathtub and hiding behind the shower curtain.

"Princess, you look amazing, now get out of the bathtub and finish getting ready. We only have an hour before the meeting," Taehyung said, pulling the shower curtain back. I sighed and obliged, returning to the mirror to get ready.

I quickly finished my makeup, with Taehyung sitting on my bed, and I was changing when Taehyung walked back into the bathroom. I had already changed into jeans, and I was pulling off my shirt.

"Damn..." he mumbled, running his eyes over my body. I dropped my shirt on the ground and covered my stomach with my arms. Taehyung stepped towards me and pulled my arms away, pulling me to the counter and lifting me up by my legs, sitting me on the countertop.

"You are beautiful. Every inch of you," he whispered, kissing along my jaw. I threaded my fingers through his hair.

"T-Taehyung," I whimpered, pulling his head away. "Not right now... we gotta go soon."

He pecked my lips and reluctantly let go of me, grabbing the Polaroid shirt and handing it to me. Right as I slipped the shirt over my head, another knock sounded on the front door.

I grabbed Taehyung's hand and dragged him to the door, grabbing my bag on the way. I opened the door and there was Mia, dressed in head to toe BTS merch once again. I sighed with a small smile, stepping outside and shutting the door, locking it before heading to the elevator, my fingers interlocked with Taehyung's fingers, and Mia trailing along behind us.



I know it's short but I'm working on the rest of this chapter hehe sorryyyyyyy

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