Teach Me.

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I woke up the next morning to an empty house. I got flashbacks to when Taehyung left without a note or anything, so I got up and searched the house for a note from Mia. I found one sitting on the counter next to a cup of water and a bagel with cream cheese.

I had to leave for class early this morning. I made you food. Eat the bagel and drink the water, and then go get ready and go to class. I have something important to tell you tonight. -Mia :)

I placed the note back down and grabbed the bagel, devouring it like I hadn't eaten in weeks. I chugged the water and then went to take a shower.

I got ready quickly, not doing anything except throwing my hair up into a bun and putting on a hoodie and some leggings. I looked around my room and sighed at the mess. There were ramen cups and soda cans all over the floor.

I'll clean this when I get home... I thought to myself as I walked out of my room, out of the dorm, and down the stairs to class.


I came home from class and walked into my apartment. I was met with Alec sitting on the counter in the dorm kitchen wearing a black cropped hoodie and dark blue jeans with more holes in them than actual fabric.

"Hi, Alec," I said, grabbing a glass from the cabinet and filling it with water.

"OMG EVIE!" he shouted, jumping off the counter and running over to me. I barely had time to put my glass down before I was tackled in a hug. I laughed as he clung to me like a koala.

"You finally came out of your room!" he said, finally placing his bare feet back onto the cold tile floor.

"Yes I did. I finally talked to Mia so I got everything off my chest and now I'm back and ready for action," I said, jumping into a ninja pose at the end to signify my "action-ready" mindset. He giggled and hugged me again.

"I'm glad. Now, I'm gonna go before Ava gets here because I was supposed to be waiting for her but I really don't want to because I don't really wanna deal with her tired and horny ass today," he said, walking to where he was sitting on the counter earlier and grabbing his black and white Vans.

"You should talk to her. You don't seem happy," I said to him, leaning against the counter and grabbing my glass again while he put on his shoes.

"I'm happy, just not because of her. I'm going to break up with her tomorrow," he said, standing up after tying his last shoe.

"Well why are you happy then?" I asked, taking a sip of my now mostly empty glass of water.

"You remember that guy I met at the volleyball game? Jordan? Well I've been talking to him and something about him just makes me feel complete," Alec said, a dreamy look in his eyes and a small smile forming on his face.

"Well I'm glad you've finally found someone like that. Just make sure you break it off with Ava before something worse happens, okay?" I said, placing my now empty glass in the sink. He nodded and waved goodbye before walking out of the apartment.

I headed to my room and swung open the door, being met with the mess of a room that I forgot about. I sighed, dumping the empty soda cans off my chair, placing my backpack on my chair, and pulling out my phone.

I put on some music, and got to work cleaning.


4 hours and 3 trash bags later, my room was officially back to being clean. I had picked up all the trash, vacuumed, dusted, changed the sheets on my bed, did my laundry, and I had just finished organizing my closet.

I heard a loud knock on the door and immediately knew it was Mia. I ran over to the door and pulled it open.

Within two seconds I was on the ground.

"Mia, get off me!" I yelled, laughing. She rolled off me and laid on the floor next to me. I jumped up.

"I would get up if I were you. I don't think this floor has been cleaned in like a year," I laughed, walking away to my room. I laid on my bed and heard a loud "EW" and then feet bounding to my room.

"You guys need to clean your floors more often," Mia said, attempting to dust of the germs she contracted from the floor. I just shrugged.

"So, what did you need to tell me?"

She was silent for a moment, as if trying to figure out how to say what she was going to say.

"So... this Kim Taehyung. Can I guess what he looks like?" she asked. I contorted my face at the strange question but nodded anyways.

"Does he have blue hair, honey skin, super full lips, and like super delicate features?" she asked. She seemed to have a look of fear on her face mixed with excitement. My jaw dropped. Had she been spying on me?

"Yeah. That's exactly what he looks like. How did you know?" I asked, trying to think about any time when she could've seen him. I didn't have a picture of him, and she has never been with me when I've seen him, so I had no idea how she would know. She didn't respond and she only went to search through her phone.

"Mia, what the fuck. How did you know?" I asked, becoming upset at the fact that she wasn't responding. She just held up her phone. I looked at it. There was a picture of none other than the man I had been talking to.

"How did you get that photo?"

She just swiped to the next photo, and the photo after that, and the one after. They were all pictures of Taehyung, some with the blue hair he had now, some with red hair, some with black hair, some with brown hair, but all the same person.

My jaw dropped when she swiped to the next one. It was a picture of 7 men, one of them being Taehyung. I looked at her, speechless.

"The guy that you just happened to run into at a gas station on your way home from work one night," she spoke slowly, building up to the bomb. "Was the Kim Taehyung of the kpop group BTS."

I covered my mouth as my eyes brimmed with tears. There was no fucking way. There was no way I had just happened to meet one of the most famous men in the world.

That must've been why he looked familiar. That must've been why he looked shocked when I casually used his name. That must've been why he had the foreign bills in his wallet. It all makes sense now.

Before I knew it, Mia was sitting next to me and hugging me. I didn't know how to react, so I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Teach me."

Two simple words came out of my mouth and Mia's jaw dropped.

"Teach me... about BTS."




I'm sorry for not updating often I'm just really stressed with school. It is currently in between terms so I wrote a chapter! I'm working on another one that should be finished by tomorrow. Hope you enjoyyy! <3

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