Ava + Alec = Avlec?

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I was rudely awoken by Alec's shouting voice. I shot up out of Mia's arms. Alec never raised his voice.

My sudden movement woke Mia up from where she had apparently fallen asleep next to me. I looked at her with a puzzled look on my face and she returned it.

I got out of bed and wandered into the hallway, my best friend trailing behind me.

"What the fuck, Ava! I can't believe you would do this! I knew you were messed but this is a whole new level," Alec shouted, muffled because they were in Ava's room with the door closed.

"I'm sorry, Alec! I-I just-" she started.

"What excuse are you gonna try to feed me this time. You didn't mean to? You were forced to?" he said. He had stopped shouting and was now talking to her in a stern tone.

I turned around and looked at Mia, motioning for her to go back to the room. This was private and if Alec wanted us to know, he would tell us. We shut the door and laid on the bed together again. There was an unspoken question in the air, and I know Mia was trying to hold herself back from saying anything to me about Taehyung.

"You want to know what happened?" I asked, sitting up and crossing my legs to face her. She just nodded.

I managed to explain what happened to her without crying. I was obviously sad, but I needed to keep myself together. She didn't say anything, just looked at me with sadness in her eyes.

"I'll be okay, Mia. It sucks and I wish it could've turned out another way, but this was the only way that it could've ended."

"I know... You're strong you'll make it through this," she said, putting a hand on my knee. I nodded.

Just then, Alec burst in the door. He shut it behind him and made his way over to the bed, sitting himself next to me before laying down and placing his head on Mia's stomach.

We didn't question him. We just sat there in comfortable silence for some time, the only sounds in the apartment being Ava's quiet sobs through the wall.

"We finally broke up," Alec finally whispered, eyes closed and hand tucked under the side of his face on top of Mia.

"I'm glad. I know leaving any relationship is hard but I'm glad you got out of one you weren't fully in," I commented, placing a hand on his thigh. I felt him jump and tense up under my touch, so I pulled my hand away, confused. I didn't question it, just looked down at my fingers in my lap.

"Sorry," he whispered to me, reaching out with one hand to grab my hand and put it back where it was. He tensed up again a little when I touched him, but it was gone almost immediately.

We laid there together, all of us cuddling, for the rest of the night. Eventually, Ava's sobs died down and the house was silent again except for the broken toilet that ran every 5 minutes.


I woke up the next morning to the sun shining through my open window. I went to stand up and was immediately struck by multiple pains, causing me to exclaim out loud, waking up the others. They all started groaning with the same problems. This is what happens when you all sleep in a full size bed in awkward positions.

I stumbled over and closed the window, pulling the curtains closed, before walking to my lightswitch and turning it on, eliciting another set of groans from the other two people that were still laying on the bed as they clenched their eyes shut.

"Guys, it's almost 8. I have to start work at 9. Help me get ready," I said to them in a gentle tone. When neither of them moved, I took it upon myself to use harsher methods. I tip-toed up to the bed and launched myself on top of the still figures laying on my bed. More groans.

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