I'm Just Not Used To Cuddling...

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We drove for a while before I realized that I had no idea where we were going.

"Tae, where are we going?" I asked gently, placing my hand over his on my leg.

"It's a secret, my love," he responded, grabbing my hand and pulling it up, placing a light kiss on the back of my it. (A/N I'M AWARE NOBODY ACTUALLY DOES THIS BUT I'VE BEEN WATCHING TOO MUCH DESCENDANTS)

We drove for a few minutes longer, the car filled with the soft sounds of the song playing on the radio, my fingers gently placed in between Tae's fingers on my leg.

I had just leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes as I felt the car pull to a stop. I opened my eyes to see a park that I'd never been to before. My eyes lit up as I pulled the car door open and climbed out, closing it behind me. There was nobody at the park, and after looking around at the surroundings more, I realized we were on the outskirts of town. There were only a few houses scattered about the streets, walls placed in between them, causing the park to feel secret and secluded away from the chaos of everyday society.

I looked over at Taehyung as he finally climbed out of the car, hat pulled on and face mask pulled up. I felt a small wave of sadness crash over me before fixing my expression to appear happier. I grabbed his hand without hesitation and pulled him into a tight hug, threading my fingers through the small bit of exposed hair under his hat.

"Thank you so much, it's perfect," I whispered in his ear, hiding my face in his neck and giving him a few soft kisses around the area before letting go. I was met with Tae's smiling eyes and light chuckle.

He grabbed my hand and walked to the backseat behind the passenger's side of the car, opening the door and pulling out a cliché picnic basket with a neatly folded plaid blanket resting on the top.

We walked to the far side of the park, surrounded by a few trees, with a perfect view of the sunset that would be beginning in a few hours.

I attempted to grab the blanket off the picnic basket that Taehyung had just set down, but the moment I reached for it, he swatted my hand and took the blanket, laying it out. I laid down on the blanket, slipping my tennis shoes off and leaning back on my elbows, closing my eyes and allowing the sun to embrace me in it's passionate heat.

I heard the picnic basket land on the blanket next to me and Taehyung removing his jacket before laying down beside me, not too close.

A few minutes of silence later, I opened my eyes and turned to look at the man laying next to me, only to find him already staring at me.

"Why are you staring..." I mumbled, suddenly embarrassed as I pulled my hat off and brushed my hair down with my fingers.

"You're gorgeous," he mumbled back after pulling his face mask down. He reached out and lifted my chin up with his forefinger. "Absolutely breathtaking."

I giggled slightly at his remarks, "Says you, literally the most gorgeous idol in the history of the universe."

He sighed and began pulling items out of the basket. Sprite, water, sliced apples, little sandwiches, and fruit salad. It was simple, but perfect.

"It isn't that easy, you know? Being in this group," he stated the obvious, bluntly, as he began to remove the lids off of the items.

"I know, TaeTae, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make it seem that way," I whispered, looking down and grabbing a slice of apple to prevent myself from crying. He noticed, he always did, and he looked down himself.

"It's okay I know that wasn't what you meant. I didn't mean to sound so harsh," he says, grabbing a mini sandwich for himself and devouring it in a series of three large bites. I giggled and he looked up slowly, meeting my eyes.

"Why did you laugh?" he said, grabbing his second mini sandwich and a few slices of apple, devouring those just as fast as the first sandwich.

"You ate the sandwich in like five seconds!" I exclaimed, grabbing a sandwich and taking a normally sized bite out of the corner. He smiled and looked down as his face exploded into a flurry of pink hues. "It's cute," I said as I finished swallowing my sandwich.

Before I knew it, he was leaning over and cupping my face in his hand, kissing me deeply. I squeaked in surprise before kissing back. I pushed him away soon after.

"Later. Eat first," I demanded, munching on my sandwich as I opened a soda and drank a few sips. He grabbed the drink from my hand and drank about half of it before returning it to me with a giggle and a big, boxy smile.

That smile was my weakness. The way his eyes smiled with his mouth, the way his cheeks lit up as he smiled. Kim Taehyung really was my weakness.

Once we finished eating, we put the lids on their respective containers and placed everything back into the picnic basket, moving it into the grass behind the blanket.

Taehyung laid on the blanket, tucking his hand that was closest to me under his head and crossing his legs, staring up at the now starry night sky. I crawled towards him on my hands and knees before laying down next to him, my head resting on his bicep and my hand resting on his stomach.

I felt his body tense underneath me briefly before relaxing and removing his hand from under his head, wrapping it around my back and resting it on the dip of my waist. I cuddled into his arm, closing my eyes and allowing my body to be absorbed into his, feeling his heat flow onto me and his arm to pull me into him. I felt his upper body move as he took deep breaths, obviously not used to the situation. I looked up at him from my position and he looked down at me.

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

"I'm just not used to cuddling... It's been a while since I've had an opportunity. I'm okay," he mumbled back, rubbing his thumb on my side. I nodded and returned to my position.

We remained cuddled together on the blanket for a few more minutes, Tae getting more used to the cuddling idea as time passed.

"Evie, we have one more stop tonight. Come on let's go we can't be late," he whispered, tapping my side to get me to sit up. I complied and sat up, stretching and yawning before leaning over and pecking his lips.

We packed up and he began to walk to the car. Watching him walk away struck a chord somewhere in me and caused me to feel immediately upset. I ran up behind him and jumped on his back, making him stumble slightly before recovering. I tucked my face in his neck and he wrapped his arms around my legs to keep me up, acting normally until he felt the tears begin to fall down his neck.

We were almost at the car when he realized that I wasn't just acting tired, and that I was crying instead. He immediately set the picnic basket on the ground and let go of my legs, turning me around to face him once my feet came into contact with the ground.

"What's wrong? Why is my petal crying?" he asked gently, wiping the tears off of my face with the pad of his thumb.

"Nothing is wrong I just- I was standing there and I saw you walking away from me and I don't know why but it just really scared and upset me," I stated, looking into his eyes and blinking my tears away.

"Petal, you don't ever have to be afraid of me walking away. I will be by your side, through anything, no matter what happens," he whispered before kissing my forehead. I nodded and sniffled before picking up the picnic basket and taking it to the car.

We got in the car and immediately turned on the radio, in desperate need of something to lighten the mood. We sat in mostly comfortable silence for a few minutes, the only noise being the quiet music in the background.

Eventually, Taehyung put the car in drive and pulled away from the park, part one of our date completed successfully with no problems. Right?

If only we knew how much of a problem it would truly cause.


Hey look guys, an update! A cliffhanger? Me? Never...

I've realized my prime writing hours are between midnight and 4 in the morning so I should be able to start writing more for this story. I'll try my hardest to get another update out soon.

I love y'all so much <3

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