On patrol

218 3 0

*timestamp 0632, Patrol flight A 50 nautical miles to the south of CFB Borden, nothing spotted, will return to base at timestamp 0700, RYO out*

Ryo was the patrol leader this morning, lemon from B squadron was with him along with clementine, lemon was flying a spitfire mk IX instead of his usual typhoon.

The radar was broken so they were flying closer to the airfield until the required parts arrived, being the only squadron in the area to be equipped with radar, parts had to shipped in from a ways away.

Ryo was scanning the skies and he saw something in the distance

Ryo- oh no, this is bad

Ryo- Ryo to lemon and clementine come in

L and C- yeah what's up Ryo
Ryo- look at 3:00 high

All 3- ah shit here we go again
Lemon- how many of them are there? There's gotta be 45 mustangs in that formation,

Ryo- I'm calling the squadron, for now let's dive into the clouds, they haven't spotted us yet
(they had)
Just yesterday Ryo had a system installed whereby he could activate the air raid siren and loud speaker to call a scramble from the cockpit of all aircraft in service operated by 102.


The CLM mailbox siren roared to life

Ryo over the radio-

all squad leaders ran, not to their Mk IX's they were supposed to fly, they ran to the mk 18's and 14's, they wanted all the best airplanes they had in the air to save their commander, nearly all of 102 A squadron was flying a spit 14 or 18.  B squadron took Mk IX spits

Ryo and his flight had to survive the onslaught that was about to be un leashed for about 10 minutes until 102 would arrive, Ryo had hoped that they didn't see them dive into the clouds, they did.  Machine gun fire flashed over his canopy, all 3 split, flying through the clouds and doing their best to avoid the fire, roll right, split S, snap roll and again.  Over and over, performing several high-G maneuvers over and over, all 3 pilots were out of breath and getting very tired. 102 was 30 seconds out, and Ryo's heart sinks, not a single mustang had been shot down and only 2 damaged, and he saw geno slide in behind him. Ryo used what strength he had left and put his spitfire into a screaming full power dive, he hit the water methanol injection and boost raised to 16 PSI, the griffon engine spit flames out the exhaust for a moment and roared, speed well exceeding 440 MPH with a maximum speed of 460 he had to do something, geno was still back there, spraying away, Ryo closed his eyes and took a breath, thoughts flashed through his mind, his first day at 102, his first match, his first kill. And he opened his eyes, but didn't do anything, he continued his power dive and passed below 4000ft, he needs at least 2,000 ft to recover safely, speed in the red at 490, much faster than his aircraft is rated, 3500 ft, 2100 ft but Ryo did nothing, geno was getting nervous, he needed to pull up soon too or he was gonna go down with him, he broke and pulled off,
Ryo put his feet on the panel and pulled on the stick with all his might.

102 had arrived and they started beating up Saunders, the final tally was: 30 enemy aircraft shot down and 12 friendly losses.

Upon returning to base, Ryo was nowhere to be found.

102 Silver Foxes I: The Prop Driven Drive to winWhere stories live. Discover now