The Final match

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Maple and St. G lost the last two matches as the kuromorimine Luftwaffe stepped up their game meaning that this final match would decide the fight.


Hangar A briefing room

Ryo: good morning, today is the day that counts, either we go down in the history books or we go down trailing smoke and flames.

Starting with the weather: over the match grounds there is little cloud at 4000 Ft but other than that clear skies, wind is calm but will pick up later in the day. B squadron has 30 planes ready and A squadron has 26 planes ready, perform your preflight checks and squad briefings, takeoff at 0630.

Ryo: Oh, and I wanted to say something.... I only wanted to tell the high ranking officers but I feel like all of you should know. This will be my last combat mission as a 102 pilot.

The whole room went dead silent.

Ryo: I'm going into the airline industry, I have a college scholarship lined up for getting all my licenses done aside from my private pilots license and historical aircraft rating to fly here. It..... it has been an honour and a huge privilege to fly with you all, all of you are amazing pilots and I can't wait to see what you guys can do in the future.


ST. G flight line

Spitfires and typhoons had their tie down straps removed and walk around inspections completed, pilots began their preflights while the armorers finished fitting bombs and rockets. The match ground is a large built up area which would make it very difficult to provide air support.


Match start

Both sides advanced into the city, Luna's platoon leading the charge

They came head on to the main kuromorimine force, it was a stalemate for a while until the Churchill 7 at the head of the force was knocked out and kuro began to push through.

102 had just arrived on station above the match grounds, there was a maus in play and B squadron had it knocked out right away. Kuromorimine has underestimated how accurate B squadron was and thought that their maus wouldn't be able to be attacked deep in a city with relatively tall buildings.

B squadron got rearranged and began an all out assault on the main kuro force. They were met with a wall of flak

Bushido: holy shit this flak is hella rough

Lemon: just keep pushing through, we have to keep going.

By the time that B squadron had punched through they had lost half of their planes but they were still able to do considerable damage. The rest would fall to A squadron keeping the kuromorimine aircraft at bay and St. G and Maple on the ground.

After long hours of fighting it was down to a 1 one 1 on the ground, Luna's firefly vs Maho's Tiger. It came down to a head to head, Ryo was the last plane in the air and began a suicide dive on Maho to distract her even for just a moment.

Ryo: Luna jink right, I have a plan

Luna: o-ok I trust you....

Luna jinked right and Ryo started spraying.

Maho getting PTSD from being attacked from the air, flinched for but a moment, and Luna never misses.

The match was over with a 17 pounder shell

Ryo: atta girl, good job.

Luna: just another day eh?

Ryo: haha for sure

Maho conceded defeat and was absolutely bloody livid.

Later that night everyone gathered aboard the St. G carrier and had a celebratory dinner.

Ryo stood up

Ryo: everyone, as you all know that mission was my last combat mission. And as I am leaving the sport I have picked a new commander, would pilot officer Daniel "Clementine" Clements step forward:

Clementine: SIR!

You are being promoted to squadron commander.  I hope to hear good things about 102 under your command.

And with that I take my leave, I have to be back in Canada before the end of the summer. 

Ryo came to attention, saluted and said: discere, serve est, signa inferri

Which is the cadet motto: to learn, to serve, to advance.

And walked out.

Luna ran out after him


Ryo? Oh!

Luna: in case I don't see you again, I just wanted you to know.... I-I.....

Ryo: I know what you're gonna say, you love me.

Luna: damn it he already knew.
Ryo: haha it's fine. Come here

The two kissed, wished each other farewell and went their separate ways.

Ryo climbed into his spitfire Mk22 "death dancer II" and took off into the night across the Atlantic, back to his home.

102 Silver Foxes I: The Prop Driven Drive to winWhere stories live. Discover now