The DAKKA attack

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Match 1 of the kuro vs maple and ST. G war match: St. G had the numbers advantage at 1.5:1 and kuro's Air Force while impressive, didn't have the numbers to stand up to the combined might of 102 squadron and St. G's own Air Force. B squadron of 102 through practice and experience was now an elite precision ground strike unit, these guys could bomb a tiger tank moving at 30 kmh from 1,200ft and that's no exaggeration, despite the fact that kuromorimine KNOWING 102's strength had packed many kugelblitz AAA vehicles, B squadron was really giving those AAA gunners a run for their money, jinking hard they were able to get through the wall of flak and HEFI rounds and drop their payloads increasing the numbers advantage, they didn't even think about sticking around to strafe, not with the amount of DAKKA that kuromorimine was putting up.  They just climbed out and assisted A squadron in dealing with the kuro ground attack planes and escorts of which there weren't many.  St. G and maple capitalized on the numbers advantage they had been given by 102 and slowly but surely, pushed kuromorimine back. Maho nishizumi would grow to both respect and hate 102's pilots. She respected them because they were brave, diving through a wall of flak with no fear, but also hated them because they kept destroying her tanks. 


Maho went to see the Luftwaffe commander, Curt Wicke

Maho- Curt, we need to have a chat.

Curt- I saw this coming, what's up

Maho- Maple's Air Force is damn good and we have to do something about that if we are to win this match.

Curt- well I'll see what I can do, we are receiving new BF-109 K's very soon that will be able to stand up to maples spitfires.

Maho- if you cannot hold back maples airforce, we will lose and you'd best not forget that.

Curt had a plan, he would secretly have his mechanics modify all the 109's available to increase performance.  Curt was determined to win even if it meant not quite playing fair.

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