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Sharpie left soon after Ryo, became a graphic designer and maintained his pilot license.

Bushido left for the RCAF and became a weapons tech.

Clementine went on to lead 102's flying team for several years and winning almost constantly.

Gothbell went on to become a pilot and went into the airlines.

And Luna, was so inspired by Ryo's flying she actually joined 102 and became a pilot herself.

She was a damn good one too and eventually became second in command under clementine. She would age out eventually and went into the RCAF as a transport pilot flying C-17 Globemaster III's in 427 heavy lift squadron based out of CFB Trenton.
She would eventually retire into the airlines

And Ryo? He would fly for air canada for 37 years before retiring to the Caribbean operating an air tourism business. Luna would eventually marry him when they met up after Luna left the RCAF.

102 had made its mark on the Shensado world but after clementine retired, the program sadly shut down as interest was lost. The Borden airfield still exists today and is used as a gliding site for the air cadet gliding program.

All of the squad leaders of 102 still meet up at Borden once every year having kept their original planes they flew.  Proof that the 102 legacy lives on. And it will always rock the base.

And Death Dancer II Ryo's Mk22 spitfire still resides in one of the Borden hangars, ready to fly at a moments notice, just as Death Dancer I had for so long.

102 Silver Foxes I: The Prop Driven Drive to winWhere stories live. Discover now