The German Devil

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A hangar briefing room, timestamp 0614

Ryo- good morning chaps, we have a mission, flight by sight reconnaissance of the next match ground on the swedish-german border.  we will be flying just off the deck at 1500ft, we go in, take a look around, and get out. according to intelligence, we should meet little resistance. takeoff in 20, be ready.

TIMESTAMP 0725 Over Sweden at 1500FT

The squadron is divided into pairs and sent into the match grounds, flying on the deck, searching the area for points of interest, terrain features and enemy movements and locations.

30 nautical miles to the north of the centre of the AO, Ryo and Sharpie are flying toward a small airstrip which may contain kuromorimine reserve aircraft.  Upon closer inspection, there are many damaged and destroyed aircraft in the field, several HE-111's, JU88's, FW-190's, and a sherman turret lying near the runway, all of which are missing parts.  the airfield seems active, as the house nearby has smoke coming from its chimney, although the hangar seems old and empty, and doesn't appear to have been used for quite some time.

Ryo- seems abandoned, shouldnt be an issue come match day, although it would be a great FOB for kuro's planes but it doesn't appear to be that way. 

Sharpie- I agree, lets turn for the AO centre and meet up with the rest of A squadron and return to base.

suddenly from 5:00 high a kuromorimine 109 dives out of nowhere and fills ryo's spitfire with bullets, destroying the perfectly maintained Rolls Royce Griffon engine,

Sharpie breaks away and runs on the deck at full throttle, but Ryo is forced down on the airfield's runway, and is knocked out from the force of the crash.

Slipping in and out of consciousness, Ryo sat in his wrecked spitfire Dazed and confused, in the distance he can hear someone shouting in German, someone is trying to force open the canopy, and succeeds, unstraps Ryo and drags him out toward the house. 

3 hours later

Ryo- w-where the hell am I?

Ryo glances to the right and sees what at first looks like a mirage, he appears to be a german soldier sitting by the fireplace, he rubs his eyes confused, but he is real,

???- Guten tag

Ryo- W-who are you?

The mystery does not speak english, but starts to tend to ryo's wounds as he was heavily injured in the crash, suffering a huge gash on his forehead.  the mystery man does know how to write english.

??? in writing- Are you ok?

Ryo nods

??? in writing- you took quite a blow, I saw the 109 shoot you down, long way from home aren't you?

Ryo- how did you know that was a 109?

??? in writing- Im german of course I know what a 109 is, here it is as ambiguous as a spitfire.

Ryo realizes that his phone is in his lap and reaches for it.

Ryo- I have a translator here, you can speak german and I can understand it.

Ryo- what is your name?

???- Fritz Goebbels

Ryo- oh

Fritz- I can fix your plane but we have to get it into the hangar before kuromorimine starts looking for you.

The next day

102 Silver Foxes I: The Prop Driven Drive to winWhere stories live. Discover now