Blade to Throat

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day three of escaping

   "Jeongin, get up. I hear some noises," I shook the younger boy. His eyes flutter open and look up at me, and he sits up slowly. "Come on," I say as I stand back up and dart my eyes among the shadows of the night.

   A stick cracks a little ways off and the two of us freeze in place. "Stay quiet, Innie, I'm going to go check it out. If you hear me scream, you run. Got it?"

   "What? No! I can't leave you and you can't leave me. Please," he whisper-shouts in reply.

   I rub the top of his head, "I'll be back. Stay here." And with that, we reluctantly depart. I make my way towards the noise slowly, keeping to the shadows cast by the looming trees. Wow, go towards the noise, Rowan. Because that's totally how people in horror movies survive.

   I inwardly chuckle and continue on. I catch something out of the corner of my eye and I snap my neck in that direction, my heart beating out of my chest. Squinting my eyes, I try my best to make out the figure standing off in the distance.

   They seem to be staring back at me unmoving just like I was. I take a step backwards.

   They take a step forward.

   Two steps back.

   One step forward.

   Four steps and a stumble back.

   Five steps... seven steps forward.

   That's when I get back to my feet, turn away, and sprint in the opposite direction. Sounds of leaves crackling and sticks breaking follow behind me, slowly getting closer. My legs burn and my chest is cold with air but I refuse to stop.

   My breath hitches as someone pushes me to the ground with a knife to my neck. My face is slammed into the ground and my arms are held together behind my back by the person on top of me, a knee placed on my lower back and the other beside me.

   I try my best to yell for Jeongin but I get cut off by the person's hand pushing my face down and pressing the knife closer to my neck. Tears brim my eyes but I immediately mentally punch myself and I suck it up.

   A soft voice whispers in my ear, "Who are you?"

   I scoff, "Me? Who am I? Shouldn't I be asking you that question, jerk?"

   He chuckles and releases me, "You got me there." He offers me his hand but I smack it away, getting to my feet by myself.

   "I don't need your help."

   "Oh yeah? You seemed pretty vulnerable just a second ago. I could have killed you right then or done something else. You owe me one."

   I cock an eyebrow, "Are you serious? I owe you one? You're the one who tackled me to the ground and held a knife to my throat if you've forgotten. I think you owe me one, dude."

   "The name's Hyunjin, dude. What do you go by?"

   I stare at him with furrowed brows, "Anything you want. Just leave me alone. I have to get back to my friend." I turn away from him and head in the direction of which Jeongin was probably worrying.

   "Hol' up, Princess. Can I come with," he asks as he catches up.

   I look up weirdly at him, "'Princess?' And no. You can't. Go bother some other person who actually wants to deal with your b.s."

   "You said I could call you anything, so I chose Princess," he smiled. "And about that... If you haven't realized, there aren't really any other people around here, sweetheart."

   I pause in my tracks and sigh, head held down, "Right. Come on."

   "Wait, you serious?"

   "Hurry before I change my mind," I huff.

   He skips up to my side and places his hand in mine, raising it up to the sky, "Yes! Time for an adventure!"

   I roll my eyes, "Sure thing, buddy," I snatch my hand away, "but touch me again and you're dead."

   He nods with a stern look, "Roger that, Captain. Onwards!"

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