Warm Feelings

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[ P L E A S E  do not skip chapters. I really don't want anyone missing anything important. I noticed a lot of people were skipping some parts and they have important details in them. Anywho, enjoy! ]

present day.

"Guys! Come in here," Minho calls from inside the house. The three of us stand up and head inside, curious as to why we were called. I step into the house first, the door nearly knocked off its hinges. The first thing I see is furniture littered all over the place and blood puddled on the carpeted floor along with bullet holes penetrating the walls.

"Dang... What in the world happened?" I questioned mainly to myself.

Jisung points at something laying in the corner of the room, "That."

I switch my vision over to whatever he was pointing at and was almost knocked off my feet at what was sitting in front of me. An infected human sat in the corner of the room, dead but frightening nonetheless. Again, red splotches covered its arms, what was shown of its legs, and its neck, resembling marks from scratching and itching.

Three bullet holes were visible; one in the left leg, one in the torso, and the third through the side of the head. Its skin was much more tinted than any others we've seen which makes me believe the longer you're infected, the higher the color intensity and the stronger the symptoms become.

Jeongin speaks up, "Can we leave now? It's starting to stink." Chan nods and grabs his now fuller backpack, the others following pursuit, and we all leave and head across the street to the next house. This continues for a while until we finally decide we have enough materials and food and water, deciding to make our way down to Barebrook.

To say the least, I was extremely nervous for what was to come. We had decided to take a break right outside of Oldshore to rest for the night as the sun was now setting and we were all exhausted. I dropped my bag next to a tree and plopped down onto the ground beside it, too tired to get anything out. I began closing my eyes when someone tapped me on the shoulder.

My eyelids flickered open to reveal Chan squatting in front of me with a slight smile. I return it and position myself to where I was sitting up straighter. He took a seat next to me and we sat leaning against the tree, staring straight ahead.

"Rowan," Chan called softly.

"Hmm?" I replied, my eyes slowly closing again, but I continued listening to the boy beside me.

"What if I let you all down? What if when we get there, something happens to one of you guys and I can't help you? What if we don't find the cure or our parents and we come to a roadblock? What if-" I cut him off by saying his name. He turns to me with sadness in his eyes, "I really want this to work out."

I sigh and turn to him, "Chan, we all do. But you've helped us all so much and no matter what happens now, we'll all be grateful towards you. You've done so much for our team. It'll all be okay."

He lowers his head, exhaling deeply, "I hope so. I'm the leader, I have to fix this all for everyone."

"Chan, you can't fix the world... you've done well already, let's just focus on what's ahead of us. One step at a time, alright?"

He mumbled words of agreement before standing up and walking away. It saddened me a bit to think that he was annoyed, but I couldn't do much about it and tried to get some sleep. Soon after, shuffling beside me woke me up and I turned to see Chan sitting next to me once again but with a blanket this time.

"I got this from one of the houses. It's clean," he says as he drapes it over the two of us. I smile warmly at him and pull the blanket closer to my chin, curling up in its warmth.

"Thanks again, Chan."

He scoots closer and wraps his arm around my shoulders, my head now resting on one of his and his head on top of mine, "No need to thank me, Ro."

I felt my face heat up but I tried ignoring it and relaxed in Chan's embrace, falling asleep shortly after.

Chan has always been so kind-hearted and puts others first. Sometimes it frustrates me because he needs to take care of himself, but he never listens. I guess it's just who he is, and I love that about him, but I worry about him sometimes.


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