Act of Kindness

374 18 3

day seven of escaping.

"Rowan, we need to go," Woojin wakes me from my deep sleep. I groan in response and stand up, stretching as I do so. I wake up the other members and we all gather together. Woojin speaks again, "I heard some noises a little ways off. I'm not sure if it's another person or one of those things."

I immediately grow more alert, "Okay. We'll remain quiet and we'll slowly make our way west. Remember to stay as silent as possible and tell each other if you hear or see anything, got it?"

Everyone nods and we make our way in the direction opposite of the rising sun. Hyunjin suddenly jumps and shrieks, stumbling backwards. He was behind everyone so we all turned our heads towards the boy to see two other guys smiling at all six of us.

"Who are you," I ask sternly.

The male on the right with orange hair and freckles brightens, "Hello, I'm Felix."

The latter smiles comfortingly, "My name is Chan. Nice to meet you," he reaches out his hand.

I look back and forth between his hand and his eyes before hesitantly grabbing it and shaking it, "Did you both escape as well?"

They both nod to my question and Jeongin pipes up, "Yay, more people!"

Hyunjin and Changbin look at him questioningly, almost in despise of the thought that more people are joining our group.

I glance at Woojin, giving him the call since he is now the leader. He looks back at me, to which I shrug and switch my gaze to the two sweet boys, and he sighs, "Okay, you two can walk with us. We'll keep a close eye on you both though."

I nod and peek at the blonde, our eyes meeting for a split second before he smiles and bows his head a bit. I smile back and turn to the orange-haired boy, "Felix, right?" And then once again to the blonde, "And Chan?"

They reply with a simultaneous 'yup!' and I smile in return. "Okay, let's get going then, we have a long ways to go."

With my bag over my shoulder, I turn on my heel and lead the group west. Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone approach and I turn to see Chan, "Oh hi, do you need something?"

He grins and shakes his head, "Nope, just wanted to get to know you better. Here, let me carry your bag," he lends his hand to which I quickly shake my head to.

"No no, I've got it. Thank you though."

He raises an eyebrow before sighing, "Hand it to me; I can see that you're struggling. I'll carry it for a while and if you insist to have it back, I'll hand it over. Deal?"

I look uncertain for a bit until I give in and slide my backpack off my shoulder and drop it in his hand, him slinging it over his own shoulder. He grins warmly, "See, that's not so hard is it?" I scoff but can't contain my smile. He brightens, "Oh right, I never caught your name."

I smile, "Rowan. Or Ro, either one."

"Ahh, Ro. That's a cool name. So, Ro, are you the leader of this little team here?"

I chuckle, "No, Woojin is. He's the oldest so we automatically voted for him for right now. Why, do I seem like a leader?"

He responds enthusiastically, "Yeah! I thought you were, honestly. And if he is the oldest, how old is everyone else?"

I explain to him everyone's ages and he nods, "Ah, I'm twenty-one as well, but my birthday is a little later than Woojin's."

I hum in understanding and continue walking with the heavy weight now lifted off my shoulders, thanks to Chan. I look up at him for a second before turning my eyes back to the once-existing road.


I look back to my right towards him, "Hmm?"

"You looked at me. What were you thinking about?"

My face flushed and I looked towards the ground again, "Nothing, it was just nice of you to hold my bag for me. I appreciate it a lot."

He smiles and ruffles my hair, "No need to thank me, I offered to do it. You shouldn't be carrying such a heavy bag like this."

I shake my head and grin, "It's not that heavy and I would've managed if you weren't here. But again, thank you."

He sighs, "Stop saying thank you, Ro. I told you, I wanted to do it," he chuckles softly.

The Cataclysm {Stray Kids Chan}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt