Happiness and Heartbreak

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**I recommend listening to "Tears of an Angel" by RyanDan while reading this chapter!!**

Rowan's POV

"Chan! No!" I shriek as I rush towards him, stumbling over the dead bodies and maneuvering my way past oncoming enemies along with shooting anything in my way. Hyunjin and Minho continue shooting and stabbing them, getting rid of most of them but they were clearly struggling. They decide to lure them outside to have more space for fighting, also giving me time to check up on Chan.

I walk over and squat down next to Chan, tears streaming down my face already, "Chan. Chan, please answer me. Chan," I choke on my sobs. Blood is splattered all over his clothes and scratch marks are visible on his arms and face. I bend over him, my cries shaking my body. I know all too well that's he's infected.

He begins stirring and I hurriedly sit up, examining him. He, too, sits up and looks into my eyes, holding my hand while tears pour from both of our eyes. He brings his hand up and wipes my cheeks, giving me a sad smile. "Don't cry, Rowan, it will be okay. I'm fine, alright? I'm perfectly healthy so don't worry," he pulls me close to his chest. I hold on for dear life, too afraid of losing him.

I mumble with my face in his chest, "Chan, it's not going to be okay, is it?"

3rd Person POV

Minho was correct on finding the medical room and Woojin sets Jisung down on a table. The other members looked around and ended up finding some tools to sterilize the gun shot wound, to remove the bullet, and to stitch up his shoulder. First, Woojin cleaned it, then used a tool that resembled a small knife to cut around the bullet to make it a bit easier to remove with a pair of tweezers.

Afterwards, he cleaned it again and rinsed off the excess blood before beginning to sew it up with unprofessional stitches. "Do you know what you're doing?" Felix questioned.

Woojin shrugged, "It's better than letting him bleed out." The others mumbled agreements, too worried to laugh. As the blood finishes gushing out and Woojin is done stitching up Jisung's shoulder, he washes it off once more and proceeds to wrap it up in a torn shirt.


Hyunjin and Minho enter the smaller building once again with blood all over them while panting. They look at Chan and Rowan then at each other, knowing exactly what was going on. They leave to give Rowan some alone time with Chan and head back towards the main building to find the rest of the group.

Jisung soon awakes, immediately grabbing his shoulder in pain. He winces as he sits up with all of the members looking at him. Hyunjin and Minho soon arrive and release sighs of relief seeing that Jisung was alright. Jeongin asks Jisung, "Are you good enough to walk around? We're going to keep looking for our families."

Jisung hurriedly hops off the table, "Yeah, I'm perfect. Let's hurry." The other members chuckle and they leave the room behind them, continuing to search the area for their relatives.

While walking, they come in contact with a stairwell leading underground which they hesitantly followed. Reaching the bottom of the steps, hundreds of cages sit, spread out across the basement close together. What they contained gave the group a spark of hope- alive and uninfected humans.

A shrill scream is heard from the opposite side of the room, "Jisung?"

"Mom?" He runs to the cage and reaches through the bars, holding her hand while they both cried. He finally chokes out, "Where's Dad?"

His mom answered sullenly, "He was tested on, honey. It didn't work..." They continued crying in both rejoice and grief while the other members also search for their families.

Seungmin found both of his parents, Woojin and Jeongin both found their mothers, Hyunjin finds his dad, and Felix finds Chan's mother and siblings. Changbin and Minho had no luck.

Felix walks up to Chan's relatives and looks at them in the eyes sadly. "Where's Chan," Chan's mother lets out hoarsely.

Felix replies mournfully, "Apparently he... he was infected. Just a few moments ago. I'm sorry we weren't there to help him." This only causes his family to cry harder, which makes Felix feel terrible.

Changbin and Minho sit together, secluded from the others while they grieve, watching their group members reunite with their families.

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