Death is Near

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**I recommend listening to "Say" by Ruel while reading this chapter!!**

Rowan's POV

   I stare in shock at the bleeding Jisung in front of me and the panicked members. Jeongin begins tearing up and Minho bites his lip in worry. Seungmin sighs in frustration, "Now, Jisung? Really?"

   Felix stares at the wound and quietly asks Woojin, "Will he be okay?"

   Woojin huffs again, bouncing to keep Jisung on his back, "Not if we continue standing and chatting. We have to find something to clean the bullet wound and close it up."

   Minho brightens, "I think we passed a medical room on our way down here! Follow me," and he turns around and sprints up the stairs where the trio originally came from.

Chan's POV

   I take my knife out and hold it close to me, waiting for the first wave of creatures. There's no way I'm coming out alive. I whisper under my breath, "Stay safe guys, I'll see you all on the flip side."

3rd Person POV

   The first wave of 'zombies' race towards Chan, knife in his hand and eyes narrowed. He swings his arm about skillfully, dodging any attacks thrown his way. Slash after slash, he successfully kills six of the creatures. While stabbing a seventh, he looks up and notices them all advancing quickly.


   Tears of anger and frustration mixed with a hint of fear well up in his eyes as he gives it his all. He yells out in fury as he fights for his life, struggling to remain untouched.

Rowan's POV

   Where in the world is Chan? Is he okay? I snap out of it and order the guys around, "All of you except for Hyunjin and Minho, continue searching for the cure. I'm going out to look for Chan; I have a bad feeling. Hurry," I say as I stumble out the door and race outside of the building with two very confused members following me.

   I stop dead in my tracks as I notice about ten government officials surrounding a smaller structure on the side of the main building. The two boys stop beside me and exchange worried glances. Muffled screaming could be heard from inside and my stomach drops, "It's Chan," I whisper mainly to myself.

   I take off towards the building, shouts from the boys beckoning me to stop. But I continue running. I soon hear footsteps close behind me and I pull out my gun once I get close enough, firing at each and every one of the guards. You all deserve to die. I continue shooting with rage, Hyunjin and Minho also joining in.

   We eventually kill them all and head straight for the door, opening it with ease. I spot hundreds of the creatures swarming Chan, trapping him in a corner of the room. Oh no...

   "Hey look at me! Ooh, a tasty human! Woop woop," I cheer, earning the attention of most of the creatures in hopes of giving Chan more space to fight.  Hyunjin and Minho help out with killing the infected people while I occasionally glance over at Chan.

Chan's POV

   No... My mind whirls as my vision becomes blurry and my limbs become tired of fighting. Finally, my body gives out and I collapse onto the cold ground.

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