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I saw her blonde head bopping through the waiting room and breathed a deep sigh of relief, she was finally here. The blood that had ran down my leg was caked in my sock and although the doctor had numbed my leg just looking at the twelve stitches sent ripples of pain down my spine. I could see Everlyn speaking to the receptionist asking where to find me and behind her I could see the red hair of Clarissa, Everlyn's rather annoying, but loyal friend.

The doors opened and Everlyn charged in leaving Clarissa and the nurse in her wake, she spun around on the spot until she spotted me in my cubicle and raced over to me. 

"James," she exclaimed, her worry being released in calmness now that she had seen for herself that I was alright.

I closed my eyes as she kissed the top of my head and sat down beside me, taking my large, rough hand in her small, warm and smooth ones. When I opened them I saw Clarissa standing at the end of the bed transfixed with the blood  even though it was making her paler and paler.

"What happened?" Everlyn asked whilst stroking my hand.

I felt so happy that she was there and she was mine, that no other bloke in the world could be sitting in a situation like this with a 10 on their arm. I smiled, I think it looked druggy because Everlyn made a face of worry.

"What have they given you?" she asked slightly amused.

"'s nothing," I slurred, and I was genuinely surprised at the side effects of the painkillers they'd given me, I was not expecting to be knocked for 6.

Everlyn bite her lip to stop herself from laughing.

"Well you just take it easy ok?"

I nodded and nestled back into the pillows watching as the world went by around me in fog and suddenly there was nothing.

I woke up to find Everlyn beside me in the same spot reading a magazine, she looked so pretty that I wanted to pretend I was asleep forever just to watch her do something as mundane as flick through a magazine. But the sandiness of my throat was stopping me from being a perv and I started to cough causing Everlyn to lean forward.

"You're awake."

"Water," I rasped.

She handed me a cup from the bedside table and I drank it slowly, it soothed my throat and brought me to my senses. Once I drank the whole thing I placed it on the table and rustled myself up further on the bed.

"Where's Clarissa?" I asked.

"Oh, the blood was making her queasy, she went to get some fresh air."

I laughed. "It was nice of her to bring you."

"Yeah, what happened, anyway?"

"Bloody tripped," I said, tensing as I remembered losing my footing and the nail piercing through my skin. "I was carrying timber for the roof, tripped over a ledge and onto an old part of a veranda and onto a nail sticking up."

"Fucking hell," Everlyn exclaimed.

I smiled. "Fucking hell," I repeated.

"Did your boss bring you in?"

"Yeah, he's so worried I'm gonna go to the unions that he's given me two weeks paid leave."

Everlyn chuckled. "No doubt you were putting it on."

I winked at her. We fell into silence, I wiggled my toes in my boot and felt the blood squish, it made a noise.

"Ew, don't do that!" Everlyn said.

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