chapter one.

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park ji-min

"I hate taking this stupid medicine." The strawberry-headed boy pouted as he rolled the blank white pills around in his small palm.

"Yes," acknowledged his mother. "But you don't want anything to happen... like last time..."

Jimin felt a few tears prick at the crevices of his eyes. "Mum, don't bring that up, please..."

This boy, Park Jimin, was special. But not necessarily in a good way. He was born a vampire.

There were only one alive vampire in the whole Park family: Jimin. His father had also been one, but had sadly passed away a year or so before. His mother did not carry the virus, and he was an only child. This made it hard for Jimin, he often felt alone, alienated, and different from everyone in his life.

"I'm sorry," replied his mother, somewhat unsympathetically, while rushing to put together her bag. "I'm going to be late! You need to get to school now!"

It was going to be Jimin's first day of eleventh grade as a junior at Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa High School. He hated going to school, but was just thankful that none of the other students knew about his condition. Jimin was originally born in Busan, but had moved to Seoul around third grade. Over the summer he moved back to Busan, but without his father. Their old house back in Seoul was too reminiscent of that horrible and tragic day that he had passed away.

Silently, the boy inhaled the pills and finished them down with a gulp of water. Then he gathered all the materials he would need for school and placed them in his navy-blue backpack, the same now-beat-up one he'd been using for many years. "Bye," he uttered, although his mother most likely couldn't hear.

"Gosh, I forgot breakfast," Jimin whispered to himself as he made his way down the long winding sidewalk. "Oh well, I'm already a pig."

The boy was honestly anything but a pig. He had a cute face that looked even cuter when he smiledㅡ which he never did. His skin was a nice shade of pale (due to being a vampire but also from isolating himself indoors), a nice contrast to his fluffy dyed rose-colored locks. The pastel blue color of his school uniform fit him well, also complimenting his hair and skin. Maybe kids at school would want to be his friend, if he wasn't so distant and blunt all the time. Jimin viewed himself so negatively, and never would believe he deserved friends, anyway.

Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa High School was merely a few blocks from Jimin's small house. He sighed and combed through his lush pink bangs, making his way inside the large building.

min yoon-gi

"Get your face to school! Min Yoongi!" The mint-haired male's mother screamed at him all the way from the kitchen.

He groaned from the bathroom and hurriedly smoothed out his hair and uniform. Yoongi slung his black backpack over his shoulder and ran out the door without a single word.

His life at home was hard. His parents were brutally abusive, constantly knocking him around, titling him as a mistake, misfeeding him to the verge of death, and worse. I want to move out once I'm eighteen, he had decided pretty early on. I'll just get a small job to pay off my rent. He had dreams in becoming an underground rapper, but his parents never allowed him to leave the house besides school.

Yoongi started his walk to the high school. He was a stiff and cautious boy, reluctant to make friends due to childhood anxiety and trust issues. School wasn't fun since he was constantly alone, but it was a heck of a lot better than staying at home.

His stomach whined, loudly. The mint-head clenched his stomach-area and winced. He hadn't been fed for days. "It's a wonder I'm still alive..."

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