chapter five.

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park ji-min

Jimin's mother was home in no time. When she arrived at the house, she called for the two boys, with no reply.

"Cookies? The boys must've made these." She swiped one, set her purse down, and went upstairs to find them sleeping on Jimin's bed, curled up in each other. Smiling to herself, she sighed before urging in a sing-song voice, "Wake up~ We're going to eat soon!"

Jimin shot right up, rubbing his eyes and sitting up in the bed.

"I'm sorry I'm so late, it's already seven! You two must be hungry. Comb your messy hair, Jimin, and both of you meet me in the car and we'll go eat dinner."


It was already dark during the lengthy hour-long drive to Gyeongju. Jimin's mother's friend's restaurant was called Yosukgung. It were new, but many visitors made online reviews positively commenting on the place and mostly recommending the Japchae.

Jimin and Yoongi sat in the backseat, Jimin on the right side while Yoongi on the left. Quiet music was being played from the car radio, Jimin recognized it to be an older song by Seo Taiji and The Boys. He silently hummed along to the song while staring out the window at the distant city lights, thinking about Yoongi and the events of the past few days.

Is Yoongi okay?

He's usually kinda quiet, I can't really tell.

Why did he save me, from jumping off of the bridge last night?

Why am I not in the mood to die right now?

These questions whirled around in his head, contributing to the forming knot in his stomach.

Once in the parking lot of the restaurant, Jimin's mother let out a sigh and turned to look at the boys. The vampire was awake, but his friend was not.

"Psst! Wake him up!" His mother whispered a bit too loudly.

"I'm up," groaned Yoongi. It took him a minute to fully power on, and then he bowed respectfully when he did. "I'm sorry I fell asleep."

"You sleep a lot," Jimin's mom laughed. "Nah, I'm just kidding. It's fine. Hungry? C'mon, let's go in!"

Once inside Yosukgung, the three were met with a cool modern atmosphere. The walls were black, wooden furnishings and tables lined the floor. It was already nighttime, so most guests were seated at the huge circular bar that was in the very middle of the building.

After they were seated, Jimin picked up a menu and looked over it at all the options, although he already felt like having some Japchae.

"Do you two want to share one meal?" asked the pink-haired student's mother. "Unless you're both super hungry and want separate dishes."

"I'm up to share," Yoongi cut in.

"Okay, then that's fine," Jimin agreed. He was starting to get worried, however, because he was feeling a bit drained and low on energy. The vampire boy needed to have his nightly serving of blood at some point, and there was no way he would let Yoongi see.


The food arrived at the table in a short amount of time, mostly due to the restaurant not being very busy at such a late hour. The waitress was young, she looked no older than a high school student. Her hair was pinned up in a tight bun, and the work attire she wore consisted of a flowy white blouse, tan pants, and a plain black apron which held her order pad. A preppy white name tag was pinned to the right breast of the apron, which displayed her name as being Jung Yoonhee.

"Thank you," Jimin politely said once his and Yoongi's dish was set on the table in front of them.

His mother took small bites of her order of Bulgogi, and Yoonmin sweetly shared their Japchae.

"How is it?" Mrs. Park asked the boys.

"Really good," they replied in unison.

She laughed. "I'm glad!"

After eating, they hopped back in the car and went back home. A sleeping Jimin laid his head in Yoongi's lap, and Yoongi was starting to doze off as well.

At home, Yoongi was awake and Jimin was still not, so the hyung whispered to Mrs. Park that he would take care of Jimin.

He gazed at the boy and picked him up bridal-style, finding him to be extremely lightweight.

Jimin's clothes seemed comfy enough to sleep in, so Yoongi just tucked him into bed and changed his own outfit. The mint-haired boy laid down and wrapped his arms around his dongsaeng.

"Sleep well, Jiminie-ah. Love you."

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