chapter seven.

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park ji-min

"Hyung, I'm not hungry."

"Aish, what's with you," scolded Min Yoongi. "Eat this." He held out a plate of the meal they had just cooked together.

"I'm too sad to eat," mumbled Jimin.

The mint-haired boy sighed and set aside the plate that he was trying to get the other to eat. "What? Are you okay? You can talk to me, Jimin-ah~"

"I don't know... I've just been feeling super down these past few days." It's because I'm a vampire, and I can't tell Yoongi, and if I do tell he'll hate me, and I feel weird and touchy whenever I'm around him.

Yoongi had never been good at cheering people up. But in his defense, before this nobody really needed a pep talk from him. So he did what he'd been doing a lot recently, a regular thing for them: he pulled Jimin into a hug. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

"I really don't want to talk about it."

"Okay," Yoongi smiled a little bit. "But if you ever feel like talking, I will listen."

Jimin sighed. I can't tell him, I can't tell him, he can't find out. Jimin, what are you doing to yourself?


"Are you having fun right now, Jimin-ah?"

Yoonmin had taken a walk to get some fresh air and in hopes of boosting the younger one's mood.

"I guess," responded Jimin, swinging their intertwined hands. He had felt like holding Yoongi's hand, and Yoongi hadn't let go.

"Where do you want to go? We can go get ice cream or something."

The pink-haired boy mumbled, "That sounds good, actually."

"Yeah?" confirmed Yoongi. "Let's go, then. I think I have enough money."

Once at the quaint ice cream parlour, Jimin took a look around at the pastel place and smiled. It reminded him of being younger, and when his family used to come here every Sunday night.

"What flavor do you want, Jiminie-ah?"


"I want vanilla with sprinkles!" Chubby-cheeked six-year-old Park Jimin ordered his special treat at the ice cream place. It was tradition to come for dessert on Sunday nights. Even if one of his parents was busy, Jimin would always get his ice cream.

He eagerly watched the man scooping up his dessert, licking his lips in excitement to taste the sweetness of it.

"Here you go." The scooper gently handed over the cone, displaying a wide smile at the small child's delight.

"Thank you," little Jimin politely thanked and took a huge lick.

-flashback end-

Grinning at the happy memories back when everything was okay, he ordered none other than, "Vanilla with sprinkles, please."

Yoongi patted Jimin's back lightly and paid for the ice cream.

The worker handed the pink-haired boy his cone, and Jimin accepted it. It feels weird, it's so different now. We haven't been here since Dad died.

"Thank you," he said to the employee and then to Min Yoongi.

"Anything for you," his hyung replied as they went to sit and he pulled out a chair for the other.

Yoonmin sat together at the table in the fancy loopy chairs. Yoongi stared at Jimin, admiring his hair that matched the interior's color scheme so well.

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