chapter four.

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park ji-min

After eating, the friends settled down on the sand-colored couch to watch a movie. The living room in Jimin's house was medium-sized, consisting of a large TV with the couch directly facing it and two armchairs at the sides. A wood antique-looking coffee table also was positioned directly between the couch and silverry television.

The movie that they were heavily considering was titled P.S. Partner. It was a Korean rom-com rated NC-17 about a girl who calls up her boyfriend, but on accident dials the wrong number. She and this other guy keep talking, forming a bond, and even eventually meet up. Troubles come up when the boyfriend asks the girl to marry him. She agrees, although she knows he's not exactly very loyal to her. The other guy, who she had accidentally called, panics because he now has developed feelings for her.

It looked like it would be a pretty good film. "Is this okay?" asked Jimin.

"Sure," agreed Yoongi, while snuggling into the huge lilac-colored blanket that the two were to share.

"Great." Jimin started the movie and hopped over to his spot on the couch. He yanked some of the blanket to cover himself, to which Yoongi whined about.

"You have more blanket than me! Not fair!"

Jimin gave in, lightly shoving some of the soft fabric to the boy sitting to his left.

"Thank you. We should probably pay attention the movie now."


The pair both stayed engaged into the first few minutes, trying to make sense of the plot so far.

Unfortunately, in the very first five minutes, there was an inappropriate scene in a character's dream that the character was having about them and someone else. Park Jimin whined like a puppy, shielding his pure eyes by lowering his face into the blanket.

Min Yoongi took notice of this and draped an arm around his younger. "I'll tell you when it's over," he promised. Luckily, it only lasted around thirty seconds or so before the character woke up due to a phone call. "You're all good now."

"Thank you," Jimin whispered out, slightly embarrassed.

Yoongi chuckled. "Maybe we shouldn't have picked such a mature movie then."

"It's okay, I think I can handle the rest."

"If you say so."

The rest of the remaining two hours wasn't as bad (much to Jimin's relief), and the film actually had a solid arc in the plotline.

While the catchy song played at the credits, the younger of the two let out a repressed yawn and slumped over to lean against Yoongi's shoulder.

"Tired, Jiminie?" he asked as he loosely hugged the other (yet again).

'Jiminie.' I think he just gave me a nickname.

"Mhm," Jimin sleepily responded while staying completely still. Sitting and watching something like a show or a movie for a long period of time often made him rather exhausted.

The last thing he could remember was Yoongi telling him, "Love you, snuggly boi."


When he awoke Park Jimin was still on the couch. Except the blanket was completely around him and no Yoongi was in sight. Standing up, his ears perked up when footsteps could be heard coming from the kitchen. A sweet smell also made its way into his nostrils. It smells like cookies! Is that Mum?

The boy wrapped the heavy blanket around his shoulders like a shawl and sauntered off to the kitchen to find the source of the noise and smell.

"Jimin! You're up!"

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