chapter eight.

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min yoon-gi

That night, Yoongi stared up at the ceiling and worried about Jimin constantly.

Is it about his father? Now I feel bad for prying.

He pretended to be asleep by laying on his side so he wasn't facing Jimin and closing his eyes.

Park Jimin did his normal routine of getting out of bed at 12:30.

This time, however, instead of getting right up, Jimin leaned across the bed onto Yoongi's side. He hesitated, looking over his hyung's figure, and then placed a tiny kiss on Yoongi's head near his ear.

Yoongi blushed.

Jimin blushed.

Good thing it was dark.

The dongsaeng left the room shortly after, making Yoongi more curious than usual. He was wide awake today and considered following Jimin.

I just want to make sure he's safe, he told himself while slipping out of bed and tiptoeing down the creaky hallway.

He's on the balcony. The balcony was not very big, but enough for maybe two lawn chairs. It was connected to the hallway on the very end.

Yoongi could spot Jimin's slim figure out there: back facing him, standing, and holding a drinking glass. The busy city streets of Busan were illuminated beyond his dark silhouette. It looked very picturesque, but the hyung didn't have his phone handy.

What's he doing? He's not going to jump, is he...?

No, it looks as if he's just chilling. Admiring the view, perhaps.

As Yoongi came nearer to the glass doors that lead to the balcony, Jimin just so happened to turn around. Horrified, the younger's eyes widened as he threw opened the doors.

"Min Yoongi! You almost gave me a heart attack! What are you doing?!"

park ji-min

Jimin bit his lip and went for it, leaving a small peck on Yoongi's head. He slipped away from the bedroom and into the bathroom. He opened the secret panel in the wall, revealing his stash of spare blood. A small shelf was in there, mini tubes and vials of blood labelled for different dates.

He wished he wasn't like this, he really did. The best he could do was to cope with it.

Jimin prepared the liquid by emptying the tube of it into a shot glass.

I can't let Yoongi see me. Since his mother left for America, he had been visiting the balcony instead of going outside. Jimin was too scared to leave the house very far and was afraid something might happen to Yoongi.

The cool wind rushed and swirled around him, making Jimin smile. Not a happy smile, more like one full of sorrow.

He leaned across the black iron railing, peering down below while sipping on the thick red liquid in the glass.

Jimin sighed, knowing he was safe. Yoongi doesn't know yet. Everything's okay right now.

He could feel his fangs popping out of his gums, which happens every time he consumes blood.

Suddenly, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Jimin started feeling a sense of discomfort, like he was being watched.

He turned his head around, to tell himself that there was no one there, but he was wrong.

Min Yoongi stood there.

Their eyes met.

Jimin harshly opened up the door.

"Min Yoongi! You almost gave me a heart attack! What are you doing?!"

The older boy started backing up.

Jimin looked different than normal. His fangs were exposed, they were super pointy and hard to not notice. His mouth was stained red from the blood had been drinking, some still in the glass in his hand.

Park Jimin realized what he looked like and broke down in tears, collapsing to the ground. "I didn't want you to find out like this!"

Yoongi was frozen. Half of him was scared, but the other half felt the urge to go give Jimin the biggest hug he could. After all, it was still the Jiminie he knew and loved.

Jimin looked up, and could sense the fear in his hyung's eyes. His heart broke, it shattered.

"I'm sorry," the pink-haired vampire choked out. "I'm sorry I'm like this."

Still not knowing what to do or how to react, Yoongi just stood there, stunned, like a statue.

"I'll explain, please just listen to me, hyung. Don't back away."

Hearing this made the older boy feel bad. He rushed to Jimin's embrace. "Let's go sit down, then you can tell me everything."

min yoon-gi

I'm baffled. I don't understand. What is wrong with Jimin?!

Yoonmin walked together then sat down on the bed, cross-legged and facing each other. Yoongi turned on the side lamp, revealing the younger's blood-stained lips and ruffled hair.

"I'm a vampire," started Jimin. "I was born a vampire. It's not contagious or anything, so don't worry. I inherited a virus from my father called vbt-01 that makes me this way. My father, he was a vampire too, before he passed away. As you can see, I have fangs, but I don't bite people. I had a shot when I was way younger that alleviates any temptations, so I kinda can't bite anyone.

"However, I still need to drink blood or else I will die. I need the iron. That's what I do every night, drink blood. I don't kill people for the blood, I get it from a vampire that runs a store near downtown. There's actually this whole vampire committee thing across the world. Anyway, I don't need very much every day, about half a cup. The ingredients or something in the blood make my fangs pop out, otherwise they're hidden and you can't see them.

"You see, I didn't want to tell you for a while, knowing that you'll think I'm insane and messed up-"

"No, I don't think that," Yoongi interrupted. "I think it's honestly kinda cool. I'm happy you've told me. As long as you can't harm me, it's cool. It'll take some getting used to, this is all pretty hard to believe. Wow, you're a real life vampire."

Jimin started crying again. Yoongi pulled him in for another hug. "Are you sad?" The hyung's voice was velvety and caring. He didn't even care about Jimin's current state.

"No," Jimin sniffed. "I'm relieved. So, so relieved. I was scared you'd be disgusted and hate me. But, it doesn't seem like you are."

"Of course I don't hate you. I wouldn't just leave you because of some condition thing you have."

"Thank you. I was so scared."

"I'll never leave you, Jiminie-ah."

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