chapter two.

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*trigger warning: discussion of suicide*

park ji-min

Stupid, stupid, stupid. Jimin stepped up onto the ledge of the bridge, looking out at the water below him. Stars shone above and everything was silent.

Goodbye, world. I was worthless anyway. He closed his eyes, preparing to make the jump.

"Hey! Wait!" A voice called out. Jimin sighed, not wanting it to be some random passerby to be like 'don't kill yourself, life will get better,' all of those lies.

The vampire boy eased off the railing and faced the person that had called out.

He almost had a heart attack when he saw it was someone he knew. Min Yoongi.

No, this can't be happening. Why is he here?! Get away!


"Yoongi?! What the heck?!" He gulped, panicking and wishing he'd already fallen off without the hesitation.

The other boy swooped in for a tight hug, ignoring the pain surging through his torso while he pressed up against the other boy. He had at least twelve bruises. He'd counted before coming here.

Although he would never admit it, Jimin felt safe in Yoongi's arms. He could tell his hyung was now sobbing, since he spoke in such a fumbled and rushed way. "Why are you here? Were you really gonna jump?"

"Y-Yeah..." trailed off Jimin with no intentions of continuing his sentence.

"Me too."

Taken aback, the rose-haired one gasped and stepped back. "Why?"

"I should be asking you that. But if you really want to know, my parents suck and I'm starting to believe all their criticism. They hate me, Jimin. Everyone hates me." Jimin felt pained upon hearing this. How could someone be so mean to their kid? And someone like Yoongi, who's so nice and sweet to me!

"Not everyone hates you, hyung. I don't."

"I know you secretly do. You don't trust me. I talk too much and should just stop."

Jimin's inner self wanted to answer 'Yes! Leave me alone! I'll just hurt you in the end! Let's both die right now and not have to put up with any suffering!' But his kind side begged to differ. 'We can help each other, maybe there's some parts of life worth living.'

"I would tell you, Yoongi-ssi, but you can't know."

"Why not? You can tell me anything, I won't ever reveal it anyone ever. Not like there's anyone I can tell, anyway."

Jimin looked away. I don't fully trust him, I can't. Not yet. It's too early. Maybe in the future, but now isn't a good time. "I'm not sure. I need to know I can trust you."

Yoongi nodded in understanding.

"It's pretty late, perhaps we should just go home."

"H-Home?" A hint of fear was visible in the hyung's soft eyes.

Jimin sighed. "I can't let you go back. Do you want to come over to mine?"

"No, that's okay, I can keep living with my parents. I don't need to burden you."

"Yoongi-hyung. You're going to come with me because I WON'T have you getting hurt." The boy was dead-set on protecting his teal-haired scarred friend. "I'm not giving you a choice, and you won't be a burden. My mom is nice, c'mon."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure she'll recognize you."

Yoongi sighed, thinking back when they were young and he met Jimin's sweet mother one day after school for a playdate. "Fine. But only because you insist."


The walk to Jimin's house was mostly silent, until the younger one started humming a little song.

"I like that," complimented Min Yoongi in a velvety voice once the other finished his melody. "What song was it?"

"I wrote it," admitted Park Jimin. "I really want to be a singer."

"I want to be a rapper, maybe we should form a band someday."

"But it's only you and me, hyung. Would we have a duo?"

"I mean, sure. Or, if we made other friends we could invite them."

"That would be fun." Jimin clutched Yoongi's larger, warmer hand in his own. For once, he had forgotten about his disease and how different he was from everybody else. He felt like a normal boy for once.

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