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Min Yoongi never did leave Park Jimin. Well, they actually got married, so he's now technically Min Jimin and they're now technically bound together forever.

They even adopted a little boy, who they decided to name Min Haneul.

The couple moved to spacious house in the nice area of Busan, and Yoongi got hired as a producer to a very prestigious music and entertainment company. Meanwhile, Jimin became a backup dancer for famous idols at Yoongi's company.

Min Haneul was old enough to go to school, so every day Jimin would drive him before going to practice at the company building.

Haneul was a sweet kid. He loved his appas to death, and wasn't at all bothered by backlash from other kids and parents for having two fathers. He was six when he was adopted, eight years old right now, and his birth parents had given him to an orphanage when he was five. They were very mean people, at least that's what Haneul claims. He had been conceived as an accident, and abortion was still illegal at the time he was born. Much like Yoongi's parents, they abused him. But now he was in a caring, loving, accepting place with his parents Yoongi and Jimin.

As for his vampirism, Jimin didn't tell many other people. Not even Haneul knew, but the couple decided that they would eventually tell him when he was older.

Jimin's mum was so happy when he told her he and Yoongi were dating. She was very supportive and had exclaimed, "I had a feeling it would happen someday!"

Yoongi never saw his parents again, they had passed away in a horrendous car crash. The day it had happened, authorities came to Jimin's house and told them the news. Yoongi was informed that because he was immediate family, he had inherited his parents' house and all of their belongings. Jimin, Yoongi, and Jimin's mum ended up selling the house and most of the items inside.

Yoongi was relieved, to be honest. Even though he was eighteen, it still felt nice to not have to worry about his nightmarish mother and father anymore.


min yoon-gi

Jimin had just come home from dropping off Haneul at school. He scooted off his ankle boots and collapsed onto the huge couch.

"You okay?" Yoongi asked from the dining room table, in between bites of his breakfast. For his dancing, Jimin was required to be on a diet (even though Yoongi complained nonstop about how stupid it was and that Jimin was already super skinny), so he had already eaten a few pieces of fruit.

"I'm just tired," Jimin yawned. "I wish I could eat actual food, not healthy stuff."

"I know, Jiminie. But after your big performance on Saturday, I'll take you to eat whatever you want," the hyung promised, with enthusiasm laced in his words.


"Really. Now just try to hold off until the end of the week. Can you do that for me?"

"I can do that, hyungie."

Yoongi went to the kitchen and placed his empty dishes in the sink to wash later. He made his way to the living room, where Jimin was laying down, and sat right next to him, starting to stroke his husband's pink hair. "Jimin-ah, we should leave for work soon."

The other whined like a puppy. "I'm tireddddd, I wanna stay home."

"I know you do, but we have to go to work to earn money to live and to be able to raise our son."

"Why can't we be poor," Jimin huffed in a joking manner and flopped over onto his face.

"Jimin-ah~" Yoongi tried to give Jimin a hug, but it was awkward because of the position of the younger one. "I can us drive today, if you want. And if you get up right now, you get to pick out my outfit for the day."

Jimin sprang up at this opportunity and agreed with an immediate "yes!" He loved picking out Yoongi's outfits, mostly because without his help the older would exclusively wear black. Jimin also often dressed the other boy in his own clothes, which were quite colorful and trendy.

The pink-haired boy ran upstairs to their shared closet and started picking and rifling through their clothing.

After a little while, he settled on a dark button-up, a denim jacket with pins, and black jeans, an outfit that he knew would suit Yoongi's slim figure well.

"Here." He delicately handed it over to Yoongi.

The hyung mustered a nod and went to the bathroom to change.

Yoongi putting on the clothing and stared at himself in the mirror. Gosh, Jimin is amazing. This looks really good on me, surprisingly. He ruffled up his hair in an attempt to make it look decent. The hue was now more of a bright blue rather than minty, after re-dying it recently.

Jimin smiled at his work when Yoongi came back into the bedroom. He demanded a hug before grabbing his bag and heading to the car.

Yoongi drove the pair to the TK Entertainment building in their cute little silver car. During the car ride, Jimin popped in his favorite Troye Sivan CD and was quietly humming and singing along to the words.

"You can sing louder," commented Yoongi as he turned up the volume on the CD player.

"I'm good..." Jimin was always self-conscious of his singing, although Yoongi complimented him on the regular. He started singing for fun and as a hobby around the time the two got together.

"No, let me rephrase that. I want to hear you sing, Jimin-ah."

Jimin huffed. "Fine."

The chorus looped around again and the pink-haired boy sang so the hyung could hear. After getting into it, his nervousness alleviated and Jimin got really into the song. Even though it was all in English and he didn't get all of the words, he hit all of the notes.

Yoongi was more than impressed. "Wow, Jiminie. You should've become a singer instead of a dancer," he teased. He had heard his husband sing before, of course, but didn't fail to be blown away every single time.

Jimin blushed. "Aw, thanks hyungie."

Once at the entertainment building, Yoonmin held hands as they walked into the lobby. Then they had to say goodbye and part ways.

"Love you!" called Jimin as they parted ways, but not before he threw in a small, loving peck.

"You too!"

Yoongi smiled to himself, not caring if anyone else witnessed the encounter. He just felt so lucky, happy, and proud to have a husband as amazing as Jiminie. He was certain that they would stick together forever.

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