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      Ugh I'm on my way to school right now. Talk about hell. I hate school everyday that i got there it just makes me feel worse and worse about my self and my best friends death. My mom claims that she knows that I didn't do anything but I can see it in her eyes even she doesn't believe that it was an accident. A persons eyes can tell the secrets their smiles hide. I made that up on my own, like it?

   I was just thinking of how I would love to take writing classes when I feel a shove. " Hey there you little killer," I hear a voice say before I even get a chance to respond I get socked in the face, BAM, another hit. I fall to the ground and they keep beating me. This felt never ending and it hurt so bad. A swift straight kick to my stomach and another to the back of my head I was in to much pain everything was becoming a blur I don't know what happened but they all scattered.

  " Are you okay," I hear a voice say I shook my head  no I was in too much pain to even speak just that movement of my head hurt " Do you want me to call for help," I shook my head yes. All I can remember after that was seeing a boy with some amazing blue eyes and short brown hair then everything went blank. i woke up in the hospital.

  " Hello Alexa, its good that your up your mom is on her way in right now," I shook my head and said thank you. My mom runs in with a worried look on her face " Easy with her she has stitches on her arm," My mom carefully gave me a hug " Alexa, do you know who did this to you because if you do you need to speak up." I shook my head no. I sat up I had a terrible pain I'm my stomach also a huge bruise " T-the boy that helped me is he here,' The nurse shook her head " I-i want to see him, please," My nurse nodded " I'll be right back with him he hasn't left the waiting room."

  That's weird who would care that much no one has done something like that for me. He walks in rather awkwardly, hey wait a minute I know him I've sat by him in class for the last two years different years still sit by him, hes gone to school with me since I was in Second grade. " Um hi," He says. " I think it would be best if we excused ourselves," My mom says my nurse nods and they head out of the room leaving us in an awkward silence.

  I cleared my throat " T-thank you for helping me that means a lot to me that you would help," He nods and looks at the ground " Are you okay," he asked " Yeah I'm fine, I only have some stitches on my arm and a bruise on my stomach but it could have been worse if you didn't step in and help. By the way I never got your name," i feel bad hes gone to school with me for so long and I didn't know his name. " Its Logan." I shook my head. " Well Logan thank you for helping me but no your probably very embarrassed for it since I'm a complete freak according to everyone."

  " No I honestly believe that it was an accident, I saw how close you two where there is not even a motive on why you would want to," oh my gosh he gets it. " Well then I would really like to stay in touch," I gave him my number he gave me his and he was asked to leave I had to rest before they took some more X-rays.

  While I laid in bed trying to go to sleep I began to think i might actually have a friend, someone who gets the accident and knows I wouldn't kill him. He knows that we where close and I had no reason to kill him and he helped me. He seems like a nice guy and good friend.

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