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   I stayed home today to get some last minute prom shopping. I need to get some shoes and some new earrings. I couldn't wait to wear my dress. I've loved the idea of prom since I was little. It was about three I was done shopping so checked my phone. I had been texting Logan then stopped because I was driving but he said ' Okay ' So I said okay and we just kept on doing that.

 Finally when it was like Five I began to get ready I got my nails done. My hair had curlers in it and I had just put my dress and earrings on. The dress was a purple ball gown with some sparkles and my shoes matched the dress, they where purple and had sparkles all over them. I took the curlers out and did my make up. By the time I was done it was Seven Fifty.

 There was a knock I grabbed my purple purse and walked down stairs I was Logan standing there. Logan had a dozen red roses. He handed them to me " Thank you," I said and smiled at him. " You look great," He said " So do you." My mom ran in the room with a camera. " You two are so cute together," She took two pictures in the last one we kissed and she gave me a dirty look.

 " See ya mom," We got into his car. " You look amazing, love," I blushed. " Thank you, love." We talked until we got to the parking lot. When we got out of the car and walked up to the building I was some jaws drop and people saying " Is that really Alexa?" I just kept walking. As we walked through the door some bitch starts to laugh " Oh my it seems to think its pretty," I rolled my eyes then someone called out to her " Omg barbie can I have your autograph," I looked over it was a girl with long and puffy brown hair she was a pretty light shade of white.

 " Thanks for standing up for me," I told her. " Shes bullied me forever I just learned to get over it, but I wasn't going to let her make you a victim. Anyways my name is Olivia but everyone calls me Livi," She said. " My name is Alexa and this is Logan," Logan snapped back to reality. " Huh," She laughed. " He doesn't pay attention does he," She said. " Not really he likes to zone out a lot."

 I spent the rest of the dance with Livi and Logan. I had a great time and I think I made a new friend. After the dance we all went out to eat at this nice dinner down the street. " Hey wait... Aren't you that girl who got beat up in the hall a few days ago," Livi said. I nodded. " Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I wanted to help but I couldn't I don't think you could see you may have already passed out but I went to help and two dudes held me back so I couldn't help you but it was so wrong that he was beating on you, no offence but your a twig not very strong I could have took him down." I smiled. " Well thanks for at least trying to help." I said.

 Logan had his arm around me I looked up and realized he was smiling at me " Yes," I asked. " Nothing its just I'm stunned a girl like you wants to be with a guy like me I don't get it your better then me in every way, So basically I was thinking about how lucky I am to have you," I gave him I kiss. ' i'm the lucky one," Then Livi cleared her throat " I'm sitting right here,c an you not," She said. " Oh right sorry," I said.

 After words we dropped Livi off at her house and went back to his house for a while. He walked me home after a while. We kissed and while we hugged he whispered " By the way if you look in the center of those roses there is a monster," I laughed. " Okay, i love you soo much," I said " Okay, I love you too," He said. " Okay," I smiled " Okay," He said. " I have to go love you by.

 In about an hour I got a call I swear my heart stopped when they said what they said. I ran and told my mom what happened we rushed to the hospital hoping that nothing had happened to bad and that he was still breathing. We showed up they said he was in surgery. " This is my fault he walked me home I could have walked on my own," I cried and fell into the chair. I sat with my arms holding my legs as I cried into them. My mom was rubbing my back telling me that he was going to be okay " Mom what if hes not," i said. " Don't say that he'll be okay," She said. " We don't know about the details about what put him we don't know how fast it was going or how hard it hit him I just don't want to lose him,"

He had been hit by a drunk driver. " Mom can we press charges on who ever hit him," I asked. " If he where to die and not be able to say if he wants to or not it would be up to his parents," I looked at the ground. " Please be okay I need you," I was messing with my bracelet while repeating please be okay. Then the doctor came out and said-.

* Cliff hanger your going to have to wait until I update I love you all but I'm to tired to type anymore  now I'll update In like an hour*

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