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 I woke up with a terrible head ache. Let me just say I'm so sick of getting beat up it gets old quick but what can I do I don't know how to fight either way I'm not strong enough. This life sucks but its mine that I'm forced to live so I'll have to deal with it for a while. Last night I was texting Logan and he said ' Looking at the stars and knowing we are not alone, you are not alone <3' Hes so sweet.

 I've realized something I've been in that hospital way too much they must be annoyed with me by now they must think to themselves " God damn it Alexa quit getting beat up." I would if I could its not to fun for me either. I decided to get up and go down stairs I smell food.

 I thought I would see my mom cooking but no it was my brother. Weird. " Mornin' Alexa," I did a little head nod and went to sit down. " That's all I get not even a hi or thanks for making breakfast,"  I rolled my eyes. " Well sorry, Hi, better now," He smiled and went back to cooking. " So this boy that your dating is he a good guy," Oh well you know he just helped me twice when I was getting beat up no biggy.

 " Yes hes a good guy hes helped me twice when I was getting beat up hes been helping with my cutting and hes just truly amazing," He laughed. " Someones whipped," He mumbled. I just kept eating not even going to pick a fight with him right now too early for me. " by the way your phone was going off so I put it on silent," He said. " Ugh your such an asshole, is mom home," He shook his head.

 I went and got my phone. Three missed calls from Logan. He was just calling to see if I had everything for prom this Friday. He also says he has a surprise for me and for me to come over as soon as I could. I grabbed my jacket and started towards the door " Oh okay bye then," My brother said I just waved and left.

Once I showed up at his house before i could even knock he called out " Come in!" I walked in he was sitting over in the living room. " You said for me to come over," I said walking over to him. " Sit down," I did. " I rented the fault in our stars, the perks of being a wall flower, and the note book, can you stay the night tonight either way my parents are gone," Best boyfriend award goes to I thought to myself. " Uh yeah just let me text my mom to tell her."

 We finished the fault in our stars which was the first movie we watched i was in tears. " Oh my gosh so not fair why did he have to die," I said. " I guess we'll never know, ready to watch the next movie," I nodded. By the time we finished the perks of being a wall flower I had a tear stained face.

It was night time by the time we where watching the note book. I was crying through like half of the movie, He held me tight and cuddled up to me on the couch. I also had some chips. Bonus. When the movie ended I was asleep on him. My bad. I was woken up to him tapping my shoulder. " I'm up," I looked up at him. " You know the couch isn't very comfortable, do you want to go lay in my bed I'll sleep on the ground," He said. " Don't be ridiculous you can sleep in the bed with me just don't kick me off the bed," He laughed and we went up stairs.

" Wheres your sister by the way," I realized she wasn't here. " She went to a friends house to spend the night, I'll be right back," He said and took off running out of the room. That boy sure is something I thought to myself. " He came back up holding something behind his back. " Close your eyes," He said. " No peeking," He sounded like a girl when he said that. He put something on my wrist obviously a bracelet. I looked at it mine said " Okay?" His said " Okay." I looked up at him. " I love you so much right now I can't even," I gave him a kiss and we just talked then ended up falling asleep.

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