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 Wow. I went to go see Logan. He looked terrible, he was pale and he had stitches on his arm. I walked into the room and waved my hand in front of his face he had his ear buds in. " Hey how are you doing," I asked. " i'm fine I guess I mean I just got hit by a car that was going who knows how fast," He said. " I'm sorry that was rude I'm not feeling like myself," He said.

  " I was the same way after the car crash," I said trying to make him feel less like an asshole. " Anyways what are you listening to," He did a little laugh " Candy land by BOTDF," I laughed, " Well your still you I see, So are you planning to press charges," I asked. " Yeah," He said. " Hey Logan why is it I've never met your parents," He sighed.

 " I knew that sooner or later you would ask that, My parents have been dead for a long time I've been trying to hide that by saying that they've been out of town but yeah they're not even here. I didn't wan you to know that because it seems weird to people that I have this house and all. I have foster parents but they hate us so much that they live in a hotel they give us money for food and clothes and check up on us sometimes but that pretty much sums up why you've never met them," He said.

 " Holy shit Logan I'm so sorry that's just terrible is there anything I can do to help," He shook his head. " Hey what if, just maybe, I've been looking at apartments, maybe you and Ericka can look at some with me and if you would like we all kind of live together like normal people," He smiled " I think thats a good idea," He said.

 After that I was sending him pictures of apartments. This is where my life was ruined. Logan had to go into surgery I got out the hospital next thing you know I'm crying on Livi's shoulder. She let go and I sunk to the floor. I was hoping that this was a dream but it was real to much for me. Logan died. " Its all my fault," I called out in a screaming cry.

 Just then all these images went flying through my head the car crash my cousin killing him self just all so much I started to scream. I passed out on the hospital floor I had way too much stress. When I woke up I began to cry again. " No, no, no," I cried.

 " Alexa whats wrong," My mom asked she was worried. " Well mom you know my heart is broken so I wish it would just stop beating I don't want to be here without him its hell on earth I've lost my light mom I've lost my everything he meant more to me than you'll ever know," A tear rolled down her face she quickly whipped it away.

 " Mom do you know why I scream when I'm in pain," I said. " Why," She said her voice cracking. " Because I can be screaming for help but it just seems like no one is listening and I hate it," She ran out of the room crying.

A few days later i got to go home. My mom left for work my brother was watching me. I sat in my room and cried and cried. I fear Oblivion, but I fear life more. I fear life, but fear my thoughts more. I thought to myself.  Once it was late at night I opened my window up opened the blinds and opened the curtains. I sat down got a piece of paper and a pen began to write ad the tears rolled down my face.

I stood on the chair put the rope around my neck. I stared out at the stars " You are the heart that beats inside of me, if you give up tonight you give up on me," I skipped around. " Staring at the stars and knowing we are not alone you are not alone,"I cried then smiled and kicked the chair. I hung there dead. I was finally happy.

* The next day*

 Mom and brother walk in " Alexa," The brother helps her off the rope as the mother reads the note. Tears roll down her face as she reads and he cried " Shes not breathing her heart has stopped mom shes gone," They both fell down next to Alexa's dead body. She handed the note to him he read it aloud.

" Dear family, know none of this was your fault you did you best I just can't take it. This world is just not my place and I don't want to be here without Logan. I'm sorry for hurting you, mom you where my best friend and the best mom ever. I'm so sorry. Know that I'm watching you from above I know this isn't fair to you but I have to much pain I just want it to go away. Know that I'm happy up here with Logan and Issac I can't be hurt anymore mom. I know I gave up I lost my fault but you have to carry on and be strong live the life I didn't get to have make sure that Ericka grows up just fine and tell Liv I'm sorry and I'll miss her. Let the world know i died in vain, the world around me is the one to blame, I'm sorry i really am, I love you mom, Goodbye,"

They cried and her mom held her crying " My baby no," Her brother held her as well. The death got released the next day. Kids that went to school with her cried and on the day they built a memorial for her Livi went up and said " You know I'm confused right now you're all crying Right now when you pushed her this far, you beat her, you made fun of her, and now your going to cry? Its a little late for I'm sorry. Me and Logan where her only friends and you all where nothing but bullies that's all you'll ever be,' She spat as tears rolled down her face.

Years later her mother went to see the memorial. It was of two roses. It said ' Just like roses they bloomed then died R.I.P Alexa and Logan' She cried and set some flowers down. " I miss you," She said.

* Mean while*

I looked at my mother and held Logan's hand while Issac had his arm around me " What a terrible mistake I made I can't take it back," She couldn't see me I was dead. But I was there I hope she knows that. " I miss you too," I said and we all faded away back up into the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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