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(Aaliyah's POV)

I say goodbye to him. I don't say much because I don't know what to say. He is gone and that's all I can think about. My mom sits there for hours just talking and crying to him.

Kenna and I go to the waiting room because I really don't want to be reminded of him laying there so helpless.

"I think I'm going to go back home," I say.

Kenna looks at me confused, "What do you mean by that? You have school."

"I'm not going to go back forever but maybe just for a week or two. I need to clear my head," I say.

"But you can't skip that many days of school. I don't want you to lose your scholarship," she says.

"I guess you are right. I guess I just want to go back and just see everything at home. I'm going to have to go back home for the funeral," I say.

"Do you want me to come with you? Because I will," she says to me.

"I would love that."

She smiles at me and starts to rub my back. I never thought in a million years that I would be in this situation right now. Growing up my dad always said he couldn't wait to walk me down the aisle. He can't even do that now.

It really hits me hard that he can't walk me down the aisle at my wedding. That was the one thing he always looked forward to. Now it's ripped away from us.

My mom snaps me out of my thoughts when she stands in front of me and says, "Come with me to his room. They are about to unplug him."

"I don't want to watch that," I say.

"This will he your last chance to see him. He will he gone forever after this," my mom says.

"I get that, mom! He is gone and you don't have to remind me every two seconds that I'm not going to have a father," I yell at her.

"Aaliyah stop yelling. People are looking," my mom says.

"And I don't care what people think of me. Let them stare," I say.

She doesn't say anything to me so I turn to Kenna and say, "Can we just go grab some food?"

She nods her head yes and we stand up to leave. As I'm walking away my mom grabs my wrist and says, "You are seriously going to go get food while your dad is going to die? You are going to leave me here alone?"

I know it sounds awful. To just leave your mother there with your dead father, but I didn't want to see him go. Facing this is bad enough and I don't want to watch them pull the plug. That is torture.

"I'm sorry, mom. Stop by my dorm later, I just can't watch them take him away," I say.

I give her a tight hug and she hugs me so tight I feel like I am going to stop breathing. She kisses my forehead. Kenna and I walk away from her, out the doors and to the car slowly.

As we get in Kenna asks me, "Where do you want to go? My treat."

I smile faintly at her, "I just want some ice cream. Is that cool with you?"

"I love ice cream," she says.

She drives away to the nearest ice cream place. We don't talk much at all, Kenna knows I like to think a lot. She usually just lets me be.

She pulls into the parking lot and we get out to get ice cream. There isn't anyone else in there except an old man that looks homeless. It doesn't surprise me that nobody is here. This ice cream place is basically in the middle of nowhere.

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