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⚠️Pretend that the pictures in here are Nick and Aaliyah, and the boys. Nick and the boys obviously doesn't have any real wedding pictures yet;)⚠️

(Aaliyah's POV)

I nod my head yes, "A million times yes!"

He jumps up and wraps his arms around me and lifts me off the ground. He sways me back and forth for a second and then gently puts me back down on the ground. He then slides the ring on my finger and smashes his lips onto mine.

I pull away and I look down at the ring, "I love you," I whisper.

He wipes my tears away, "I love you more, ma."

"I can't believe that you did all of this," I say.

"It gets even better, ma." Right when he says that I see tons of people come out of the trees. I look around to see Nick's family, Mark, the boys, the girls, and Rennesme.

"You didn't!" I say. Nick nods his head and I run over to Zion who is holding Rennesme.

"Aw guys, look, she wanted to see me first," Zion says as I get to him.

I laugh, "You wish. Now give me my baby." He hands me Rennesme and I give her a big hug and kiss. It's only been a day, but I missed her so much, it's crazy.

"Hi, babygirl, did you have fun with your aunts and uncles?" I say to her.

She starts clapping and we all laugh at her. Nick walks up to us and takes her from me. I decide to go talk to everyone else.

"I can't believe that you are here right now," I say while giving Mark a hug.

"Well I couldn't miss it," he says, "It's a very special day."

I smile, "Yes it is. I can't believe this whole thing is happening."

"I can," he says, "I knew from the start that you two would get married. The two of you are perfect for each other."

I smile again and I look over at Nick who is talking to Edwin and his brothers. Rennesme is just watching Nick. He looks over at me and winks. My smile gets bigger and then I turn back to Mark.

"Thank you for everything," I say. "I'm so grateful to have you in my life."

He smiles and I know that me saying that means a lot to him, "Of course. I will always be here for you."

A few tears start to fall down my face again and he wraps me into a big hug. I know that Mark will never replace my dad, but he is such a great impact on me and I will forever love him like he is my own dad.

"Now stop crying," he says, "Go and enjoy this moment with everyone."

I wipe my tears away and we both walk back over to everyone. I stand next to Nick and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"How about we go back and open up this bottle of wine!" Nick says to everyone.

Everyone starts yelling because they want to go drink. We all go back to the tiny house that we have been in. It's going to be crazy to fit everyone else in here.

"Did you guys get pictures?" Nick asks his mom.

"Oh you bet I did," she says. "Better than ever."

We start laughing and I grab wine glasses from the cabinet for everyone. We all sit down at the table and we all start talking about everything that happened.

"I totally thought he would screw it all up," Nick's brother, Rob, says.

"Hey!" Nick says, "I'm not that stupid. I knew what I was going."

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