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(Aaliyah's POV)

After we unpack everything we all decide to just chill out on the balcony, even though it's freezing outside.

We all grab a drink and head out there. The boys are standing by the rail, talking while us girls are sitting at the table.

"So why the hell did the two of you insist on us sleeping in a room with Nick and Brandon?" I whisper.

Ansley instantly smirks, "Because we know y'all like each other, so it's just perfect."

"I don't like Nick," I say.

Becca and Ansley start laughing.

"You are so funny. We can tell that you like him, maybe not a lot but you do a little bit," Becca says.

"You all suck," I say.

They all start laughing and we just talk about random things. We talk about childhood memories, school, and work.

We sit there for hours just talking.

"We should start making dinner," Austin says.

"Good idea. I am freezing anyway," Kenna says.

We all go inside and everyone starts to make dinner. I go upstairs first to get changed into something more comfortable.

I change into my clothes and sit on the edge of the bed to put on an extra pair of socks. My feet always freeze the most and they hurt now.

"Do your feet hurt?" I hear someone say behind me.

I turn around to see Nick standing in the doorway. "Uh yea they do. My feet always freeze the most," I say.

"Hold on," he says while walking to his dresser. He pulls out a pair of socks and hands them to me.

"Put these on. They are the warmest socks I've ever tried on. They should keep your feet pretty warm," he says.

"Thank you," I say with a smile.

"You're welcome. So do you want to go see the lights tonight or some other time?" He asks.

"Tonight," I reply back while putting on the socks he gave me.

He nods his head and we walk downstairs together. They had music playing and they were all dancing around while cooking.

I start to help cook and Nick does the same. After about 15 minutes everything is ready and we all sit down at the huge, wooden table.

We eat our food and then clean everything up. It was very delicious, Edwin is a really good cook.

"So what's the plan for tomorrow?" Brandon asks while sitting down on the couch.

"We should go skiing or snowboarding tomorrow. I advise we only pick one a day, so then we can do the other one a different day," Austin says.

"Which one is better?" I ask.

"I think skiing is better," Austin says.

"Then we should save skiing for last. Let's go snowboarding tomorrow," Edwin says.

"Sounds good," Austin says.

"What are we doing tonight?" Zion asks.

"We should play board games," Ansley says.

"Yes please! I'll go get the games," Kenna says while running to the closet we put them in.

The rest of us go to the table as Kenna brings back all the games to play. She brings back Scattergories, UNO, and Monopoly.

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