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(Aaliyah's POV)

**⚠️⚠️very touchy content. read at your own risk⚠️⚠️**

Nick and I have been doing really good after our small fight. We both apologized and worked it all out. I feel like it made us stronger.

Kenna and I are getting ready for school right now. My moms arrest is all over the news and just about everyone knows. I always get weird stares when we are all out.

"Kenna are you ready?" I ask.

She walks out of the bathroom and says, "I really don't want to go today."

She isn't even dressed. That means that she isn't coming and I'll have to go alone. Today is Monday, the first day back since my moms arrest.

"Ugh you suck. I'll get all of your homework," I say.

She runs to me and gives me a hug, "Yay! I love you. Thank you.

"I love you too, bye."

I grab my bag and walk to the office, so they can gather all of Kenna's crap. After I do that I head to first period class.

There is nobody in there, so I sit in the back like every day. Nick is the only one that ever sits close to me.

I pull out my notebook and start to draw this picture that I started a few days ago. It's a picture of an eyeball with tears forming in them.

I draw for about five minutes until people start to walk into class. They all stare at me funny and give me weird looks. I knew this was going to happen.

This girl named, Bella comes up to me and sits down in Nick's seat because he isn't here yet.

"I can't believe what your mother did. You are going to turn out to be just like her. A murderer," she says.

She stands up and walks away. Her friends start to yell things like "slut" "whore" "kidnapper" and "murderer" to me. I feel the tears run down my face as Bella throws a crumbled up piece of paper at me.

Nick finally walks into class and sits down next to me. I quickly wipe my tears, so he can't see that I was crying.

"Hey mamas. How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good," I say while putting on a fake smile. "How are you doing?"

"Really tired. I freaking hate getting up this early for this shit," he says.

I laugh lightly, "Kenna didn't even come today because she was too tired."

"I always want to skip," he says.

I laugh quietly as our professor walks into the door. He sets his things down and starts our class. Everyone kept giving me weird looks, but I try to shake them all off.

After class Nick and I walk to into the hallways together. We don't have anymore classes together, which absolutely sucks.

"I'll see you after school. We can go get some food if you want," he says.

"That works for me," I say.

He smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. After that he walks down the hallway to his next class.

I open my locker to grab my book when a note flies out of it. Speaking of notes I still haven't read the one my mother gave me.

I open it and it says:

Do everyone a favor and just die!
You are going to be like your mother.
You should go to jail too.

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