how to care for people like me

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chan's p.o.v

words been going around of the new kid in town

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words been going around of the new kid in town. the teachers have been whispering about it.

apparently he's really sick.

when i saw a boy across the hall who balanced his backpack onto his knee shakily, i figured it was him. he was small and overall pale looking but he had adorable braces and rosy cheeks.

i couldn't help but feel intrigued by him. he was the cutest but i decided to avoid staring at him for now. i had been looking for a long time.

i slammed my locker shut and made my way to my english class. when i walked in, we were all seated and our teacher hadn't assigned anything yet.

which was really unlike her.

i understood why when i had seen the boy walk in. he sat in the seat by me and walked to the front of the class.

seeing him up close, he had a sleepy look on his face. he wheezed a bit when he breathed and he looked uncomfortable. the teacher told all of us to quiet down and he started.

"hi everyone, my names yang jeongin." he spoke.

"to start, i have cystic fibrosis which means my lungs and digestive system suck. to describe it, cystic fibrosis affects the cells that produce mucus, sweats and other digestive juices, it causes them to become thick and sticky. this can plug up ducts, tubes and passageways so breathing can be pretty tough." he started.

"because of my cystic fibrosis i have bronchiectasis which means my lungs and airways are weak and can't clear the mucus like it's supposed to."

he took a shaky breath, "so i wheeze like a squeaky toy when i breathe and it hurts really badly to breathe on my own."

small laughs radiated around the room and he smiled and continued, "if you guys can do me a favour, if im away from my backpack and i start to cough really weirdly or sound like im choking, please bring me my backpack."

he walked towards his backpack and brought it to the front.

he tried to balance it on his knee but said, "sorry it's kind of heavy today."

he placed it on the floor and sat by it.

"it opens like this," he showed and said, "it looks like this on the inside."

people peered off their seats to view and he said "and this thing comes out."

he said while placing something on his face. it connected to his nose and placed clear tubing around his face.

he closed his eyes and breathed quietly.

"im not supposed to not use it but i figure the noise would probably be annoying to other classmates."

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