how we made a bucket list for me

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after the boys had finished teasing me, we sat down and watched movies

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after the boys had finished teasing me, we sat down and watched movies.

it was fairly normal and it made me really happy.

jisung spoke up and asked, "do you guys have a bucket list?"

"i have one!" hyunjin offered.

"i have one too." woojin told us.

"do each of you have one?" i asked.

"in some way shape or form, yeah." minho told me.

"do you have one?" felix asked.

i shook my head and an audible gasp was heard in the room.

"thats it, we are creating yours right now." hyunjin told me.

he got up, reached for his backpack, and handed me a notebook.

"dont you need this for school?" i asked.

"whats one page going to do?" he told me.

"actually no, we're all rewriting our bucket lists. everyone take a page."

"your poor notebook." i laughed.

"this is for the greater good." he told me seriously.

i smiled and he handed out whatever pens were in his bag.

what would go on mine?

i wrote the date in the corner and bucket list really large at the top.

"anything can go on here?" i asked.


i began writing

- sneak into a library at 2 am and do extensive research on a topic that interests you

"whats your first one?" woojin asked.

"oh.. its not that interesting."

"thats not the point, its whatever you like and want to do." he told me.

i nodded, "i want to sneak into a library at like.. night... well after night and research something. ive never snuck out before and yeah." i mumbled nervously.

"ill help you with that one." chan smiled, "i think it'll be cool."

i smiled, "cool."

i continued writing

- wake up early and go to a hill or park and watch the sunrise
- go to the graveyards and read the inscriptions of the headstones

"why that one?" chan pointed out.

"oh.. if im lucky, ill live till im old and wrinkly but that may not happen. its kind of morbid but id like to read them and kind of like talk to them and hope that they are okay and stuff." i mumbled out awkwardly.

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