Chapter 2

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Her dark blue highlights in her pale blonde hair. Her beautiful dark green eyes. she was nothing like the other girls. I hadn't noticed her until now.

I am more a good guy captain of the football team and popular girls swooning over me. which is annoying.

Valerie on the other hand is not her social standing is outcast loser and anti social which I find hard to believe. "dude are you daydreaming of Valerie again"Marcus says "no"I lie

"dude you totally have the hots for her"Marcus says "but how I am going to get her"I ask "well I think you need to put that brain of yours to good use"Marcus says "I can't just talk to her again she'll think I am a stocker"I say

"okay you're over thinking this"Marcus says "well then how do you suggest I get Valerie"I ask "by not being a douchebag"Marcus says "I can do that"I say. I ask for a pass to library.

I find Valerie in the library reading with her earbuds in this is my chance I think to myself.

"hey"I say Valerie looks up pausing her music. "Hi"Valerie says "so what book are you reading"I ask "still wicked"Valerie says "really how far are you in" I ask "middle of the book"Valerie says.

"geez you're one dedicated book worm"I say "oh I know"Valerie says "so you ever been to a football game"I ask "nope and don't plan to I'd rather watch Netflix"Valerie says "so that's no to coming to my football game"I say

 "you were asking me to your football game"Valerie says "yeah kinda I didn't really specify"I say "well my answer is still no"Valerie says "I figured"I say "yeah you know me the anti social loser"Valerie says "you're not anti social loser"I say

"I know I am not more of a badass bitch"Valerie says "that would describe you"I say. "so you agree"Valerie says "yes"I say "you're not that bad hayden"Valerie says "well I am a jock and popular and yet you don't find me revolting"I say

 "well from a glance yes but your character is a little different"Valerie says. "a good different"I say "yeah a good different you told me that in math today"Valerie says "I know"I say. "so what brings to you the library"Valerie asks

"I wanted to talk to you"I say "of course"Valerie says "but I do need a book for a research paper"I say "let me guess US History class Ms George "Valerie says "how did you know"I say

"because I did the research paper earlier this year and of course I killed it I am in her advanced history class"Valerie says "so you can help me"I say "yes"Valerie says

"thank you"I say "you're welcome now what's your topic"Valerie asks "the Great Depression"I say "oh so during World War II"Valerie says "yeah you're really good with history"I say

"yeah well I have knack for history"Valerie says "no kidding"I say "okay I know there's a book about the stock market crash here somewhere"Valerie says

 "you read this book"I ask "nope I did my research paper on the Vietnam War but, I needed a little insight into the Great Depression"Valerie says

"cool"I is all I could muster to say. "here it is"Valerie says handing me the book "This should give you some good info"Valerie says

the bell rings "speaking of history I have get to history class"Valerie says "can I walk with you"I ask "Sure"Valerie says I check out the book and Valerie and I head out.

"so where are you headed"Valerie asks "English"I say "Well have fun I am going to history"Valerie says

"can I meet up with you on Friday before my football game to help with my paper"I say "sure why not"Valerie says "awesome I'll see you on Friday then"I say.

Valerie disappears into history class I walk into English. "so how did it go"Marcus asks "good she is willing to help me with my history paper"I say

"that's good"Marcus says "yeah because I actually have legit no clue on how to actually write a good research paper"I say "oh lord well at least Valerie is helping you"Marcus says "yup"I say "so you ready for practice today"Marcus asks 

"Oh yeah I wish I could take a nap honestly"I say "you and me both"Marcus says "well after practice you can nap"Marcus says "I'll consider it"I say.

I try focus on reading this book but my mind is elsewhere I can't stop thinking about Valerie her smile and how she talks she is so different from girls she always wear black jeans and a band tee and combats boots. 

I love her dark blue velvet boots. She wears them in the winter. Okay maybe I observe too much I should stop doing that.

I mean I don't mean to creepy but Valerie caught my eye. I don't want what is about her but I want her to be mine.

the bell rings I am off to football practice kill me now.

*after Football practice*

I drive home listening to some music I am sweaty and desperate need of a shower. I pull into the garage. "hey mom"I say "hey sweetie"mom says "I am going to shower"I say "okay well dinner will be ready at 6 okay"Mom says

"okay"I say I head upstairs and shower.

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