Chapter 3

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I walk into a empty house typical. Aunt heather is still at work. I drop my bag in my room. I go raid the pantry because food is basically my boyfriend. But I don't mind hayden.

He's such a jock though but a nice jock. I am still not going to his football game no thanks I have a date with Netflix. Besides helping him with his history is kinda of enough don't you think.

I find chips and some ranch dip. My aunt knows me too well I legit love ranch dip and potato chips best unhealthy combination ever. I start my homework I mean I didn't have much to do I finished some in history class. I finish in a hour. Time for Netflix well until my phone buzzes

Hayden: Hey

Valerie: hi

Hayden: I know you probably don't text too many people but I really like talking to you

Valerie: really you like talking me

Hayden: yup

Valerie: you're a dork you know that

Hayden: oh I know

Valerie: that's my line

Hayden: too bad it's mine now

Valerie: fine but technically it was my line first

Hayden: fine

Valerie: Can I watch Netflix in peace now

Hayden: nope you're stuck with me

Valerie: eh I don't mind be stuck with you

Hayden: I know

Valerie: but for real I want to watch Netflix in peace

hayden: fine I'll go do my homework

Valerie: you do that

I turn off my phone and find my laptop and watch some Netflix. I am obsessed with DC legends of tomorrow I swear this show is the da bomb.

I am currently re watching the first few seasons because season four is out and i didn't know what happened before. I legit think sara lance is a badass like that girl knows how to kick some ass. My phone buzzes again.

Hayden: hey

Valerie: i just  was enjoying netflix

Hayden:sorry but i wanted to talk to you


Hayden: so you enjoying your netflix

Valerie:yes until you interpeted me

Hayden: i said i was sorry

Valerie: oh i know

Hayden: looks like  I distrubed the beast

Valerie: no not really just a little annoyed that's all.

Hayden: no kidding

Valerie: sorry it's just i enjoy watching netflix

Hayden: it's okay i understand netflix is a nice way to relax.

Valerie: you say that as if you like watching netflix.

Hayden: i do

Valerie: really the jock watches netflix

Hayden: yeah the jock watches netflix

Valerie: you're an actual complete an udder dork.

Hayden: you said that already

Valerie: oh i know just re stating a common known fact

Hayden: not a common fact

Valerie: oh really bc it feels like it

Hayden: oh come on seriously

Valerie: yup it's offical

Hayden: oh great

Valerie: what can your precious rep not handle it

Hayden: oh come on seriously just bc i am a jock doesn't mean i'm popular

Valerie: liar you're popular and you know it

Hayden: am not

Valerie: you're so obivlious why you think you have so many friends and get invited to parties

Hayden: bc people want me there

Valerie: oh please they just want feel popular for one night and seek attention basically you're just a pawn in the game of popularity of school

Hayden doesn't respond for a minute he is an idiot for thinking people actually want to him to be at a party all they want is attention they want feel special and will do anything even if it means using the popular kid.

And the losers and the outcasts we basically are in the shadows we don't matter but the popular kids think we can be stepped on used and have no voice. It's all bullshit. My phone buzzes.

Hayden: i accpericate your honesty

Valerie: you're welcome

Hayden: i wish i met you earlier

Valerie: really why's that

Hayden: bc you're honest and really nice and i wish i could talk to you for hours and you're really sweet

Valerie: sweet no honest yes and talk to me for hours well you'll get board real quick.

Hayden: i don't think i could get board

I roll my eyes.

I don't understand why he thinks its worth talking to me.

I have trust issuses and hate romance legit never had a boyfriend and don't plan on having one i plan to die alone.

Why bother with relationships when you have food and netflix.

But, hayden is different and i don't know why but i think he'd be worth it.

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