Chapter 16

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I wake in the morning around 5am we have football workouts starting at 6am I had get legit drag myself out of bed I hate this I quickly brush my teeth and put on my workout clothes I grab my gym bag and my water bottle. I grab my keys and drive to school. Yes, I have to do this before the homecoming game which is in a week. 

Coach is freaking out as usual but we're going to be great. We've been working hard. i think this game is going to be great i just need to get a date for the dance. I am hoping to ask Valerie on Saturday. I really want to take to her to homecoming. 

I pull into the parking lot and walk to the workout room. with music blaring we start with stretches and a warm up. I start doing crunches. well, 25 of them I stop and start doing push ups. 

then its time to lift weight I dread this part so I distract myself with Valerie. I think about her a lot I am starting to think I am being a little bit of a creep. I mean she's hot but I don't think if I was a girl I would not want a guy thinking about me 24/7. That's just a little creepy in my opinion. 

I do more weight lifts for a few more minutes we have a hour workout until 7 I switch from weights to another work machine. after an hour we're dismissed I smell bad. school doesn't start until a little later so I go home and shower. I change into a skull tee shirt and dark ripped jeans. I find my black converses. 

I grab my leather jacket and dry my hair. styling it quickly. I head to grab myself a coffee I decide to grab Valerie a coffee as well I know she likes ice coffee from dunkin donuts. I grab two ice coffees. I text  Valerie to meet me at school. I pull into the parking lot I grab the coffees and head in. I see Valerie by her locker. she turns around god damn she looks hot today. 

her dress makes her look like a million bucks and I like her jean jacket her boots are cute. "I like the dress"I say trying not look at Valerie's boobs "thanks for the coffee"Valerie says "you really hot in that dress and you're welcome"I say really trying not to look at her boobs god damn it look in her eyes I tell my self. "thank you"Valerie says 

"I really don't mean to be a jerk but I am really trying not to look not your boobs"I say "that's why you're starting at me intently"Valerie says "yeah I didn't want to be creep"I say "well you're being respectful or at least trying to be"Valerie says "yeah trying very hard"I say 

"I'll give you something else to think about"Valerie says kissing me I kiss her back. I could kiss her all day honestly. I move my hands down her to her waist holding her close. she wasn't wearing any makeup today I thought she looked like a goddess with or without makeup. 

"ew get a fucking room"fara says Valerie flips her off still kissing me. fara walks away looking pissed. "you're a badass"I say "I know"Valerie says. the bell rings before I can kiss her again. 

"I don't want to go to math class"I say "well it's school we have to"Valerie says "why you do always to be right"I say "well I am more mature than you"Valerie "damn it"I say "I got you there"Valerie says I put my arm around her. Valerie takes my hand. 

"geez Valerie I didn't realize you actually had a chest"a idiot jack says I was about to punch him "I don't need defending hayden I am a tough girl"Valerie says. 

"listen jack you don't get to be a perv you legit have two brain cells as is so stop thinking with your dick start using some common sense, and don't ever make another comment on my body again. I am not your property so you have no right make rude comments so shut your useless piece of shit mouth got it"Valerie says 

"bitch"jack says "I have better one how about asshole because you're acting like one"Valerie says jack shuts up. Valerie walks away and sits down. I sit next to her. 

"Valerie"mr. mendleson says "yes"Valerie says walking towards his desk. "is jack  bothering you"mr. mendleson says "yes actually he made a rude comment"Valerie says "what was the rude comment about"mr. mendleson asks 

"well he made a comment about my chest"Valerie says "I see now you're not in trouble Valerie, i am very upset that jack made that rude comment about your chest that's just rude"mr. mendleson says "I agree mr. mendleson"Valerie says  "you can go sit down now I will make sure jack is disciplined"mr.mendleson says 

"I could kiss you"I say "after class"Valerie says "clearly you don't a knight in shining armor"I say "well I can kick a guy's ass if need be but having a knight in shinning armor doesn't sound bad"Valerie says "really"I say "yeah I mean sometimes having a knight in shinning armor can come in handy"Valerie says "true"I say. 

the bell rings again and mr. mendleson starts class jack had left the room. I hope he got what he deserved. honestly, he was nothing but a asshole. all the guys hate him. girls think he's a douchebag. he thinks he's the life of the party but I swear he's nothing but stupid. 

I hold Valerie's hand while taking notes with my other hand. mr. mendleson goes on about something about square roots. "mr. mendleson I don't understand"I say 

"which part"mr. mendleson says "okay so if you can't figure out the square root you have factor it out and then what"I ask "okay so after you factor find the pairs and then create a square root or make the square root a decimal"mr. mendleson says 

"oh okay sorry one more question could you re explain example problem 4 I don't understand"I say "its fine hayden I can re explain it"mr. mendleson says he breaks the problem down into steps I write down every step I swear I remembered this like freshmen year but my brain must have forgotten. 

*after class* 

I walk out of math class with Valerie. "you going give me that kiss now"I ask "so impatient"Valerie says walking to her locker putting her books down and switching them out. 

"fine"I say Valerie starts to laugh. "you're such a dork sometimes"Valerie says "I know"I say. I pull her in for a kiss. she kisses me back. "well I'd better get to English"Valerie says breaking the kiss. "I'll see you later"I say I watch Valerie walk away she's so hot I think to myself as I walk to my next class. 

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