Chapter 10

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I drive home I couldn't stop thinking about Valerie. the kiss was magical. I could feel sparks when we kissed I wanted hold her forever. 

I felt like I was protecting her in my arms. I told her I liked her. She didn't freak out or try to punch me like I thought she would. 

okay let me clarify I've seen her punch a guy in the face for being asshole rip through a guy's ego and tell off fara. I mean the girl is a badass. she doesn't let anyone tell her  what to do. 

I pull into the garage. I walk upstairs. changing into pj's I hear my phone buzzes. 

Valerie: hey 

hayden: hi 

Valerie: I enjoyed our date 

Hayden: me too I am glad you didn't freak out when I told you I liked you 

Valerie: you were scared I was going to freak out and punch you geez 

hayden: in my defense I've seen you punch a guy and destroy a guy's ego before so I was nervous  more than usual. 

Valerie: I made you nervous wow that's a first clearly you're a guy with emotions 

hayden: yeah 

Valerie:  well I should actually go to sleep now 

hayden: goodnight Valerie 

Valerie: goodnight dork 

I turn off my phone and go to sleep. 

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