Chapter Four

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DRIFTING IN AND out of consciousness, I felt as if the world had been spinning, my mind desperately clinging to what little awareness I wanted to possess.

My eyes flew open.

I shot off the bed, reminiscing the past events that had occurred. "Nicos." I whispered. Where was he? Dear Goddess, I hoped my mate hadn't harmed him. Nicos was my only family.

Mate, I found my mate. I shivered at the thought of him. He was an Alpha. Alphas were possessive and scary as hell. I knew he was no exception. He gave off a cold and angry demeanour that seemed to push people away and cower in fear. Unsurprisingly, I found it incredibly attractive.

Deciding it hadn't been the right time to think about the beauty that is my mate, I shifted my thoughts and gaze to my surroundings.

I looked around the room I was placed in, silently wishing it had been his room. I groaned out loud at my thoughts. What the hell, Talia?

I rolled my eyes, I didn't even know his name, for Moons' sake and I couldn't get him out of my head! 

Judging by the white sheets, blank walls, and the maddening beeps next to my ear, I had assumed I was in the some sort of hospital. Was I still in the pack? I wondered.

Suddenly, the door knob twisted and turned as the door creaked open.

I was met with the most welcoming brown eyes I had ever seen. Had I not been mated to the most beautiful man on earth, I would have been attracted to him.

His expression was stiff but his features were soft and I knew I would like him. Despite his obvious kindness, I felt a surge of power radiate from him. He seemed powerful; almost impenetrable.

"I am Alpha Adonis." he greeted warmly.

"Alpha?" I asked, perplexed. I thought my mate was the Alpha?

"Alpha of the North." he puffed out his chest in pride.

Oh. I nodded in understanding, "Not to sound rude, but... why are you here? I mean, the North is pretty far from here."

"Kyros and I are close friends. I'm here to help him with some... issues."

Kyros? That was his name? I felt my heart beat pause for a while and that stupid flutter in my stomach once again. It was a beautiful name.

I scrunch my nose up, wearing a confused expression, "You both seem so... different. You seem nice and well... he doesn't. I would've never guessed you guys were friends."

Adonis bared his teeth out in a smile, chuckling, "Kyros is about as frigid as an iceberg, I can see why you'd think that."

I smiled, feeling my resolve relax around him. I instantly decided that I liked Adonis. My wolf didn't at all feel threatened by him.

"I can tell you don't mind talking about him though..." Adonis grinned, as if he knew of the millions of questions I wanted to ask about Kyros drifting hopelessly in my head.

I wanted to grin, but instead I buried my face into my hands in embarrassment. Why was Adonis making these weird comments? Did he know? Did Kyros tell him?

"Are you in here because I'm in trouble...?" I winced, hoping that was not the case.

Adonis shook his head as he spoke, again, "I thought Kyros would appreciate someone looking over his guest." he smiled, a playful glint sparkling in his eyes as he emphasized the word guest.

Blushing, I avoid Adonis' gaze.

"What's your name?" He asked.


"Talia, I don't know if you're aware of this, but your scent... is not that of a rogues or a pack member."

My grin is immediately wiped off of my face, I try to look away from Adonis' calculating brown eyes as I breathed in a large gulp of air, my heart pounding a little bit faster, "I'm aware."

"Do you know why?" Adonis questioned as if he knew something I didn't.

I nodded, fiddling with my fingers. My nerves were all over the place, I didn't expect to be confronted about my scent anytime soon. I feared what they would do to me now that they knew. People like Nicos and I weren't safe in packs. Or anywhere for that matter.

"You don't have anything to fear, Talia. You're safe here."

I looked away, I wasn't so sure about that.

Adonis attempted to smile. He tilted his head to the side, "What brought you here?"

"It's not like I meant to trespass... my wolf– she led me here." I felt so, so stupid as I replied to him. Why did I say that? What if he asked why she led me here?

"The mate bond." Adonis stated as if he had gone through what I had been insinuating.

I felt my cheeks flush, "You know?"

Adonis scoffed, "How could I not? Kyros isn't one to care for females, or any one for that matter, but he's different with you."

I felt the blood flush into the tints of my cheeks, I knew I probably resembled a tomato by now.

"But thats not what I meant," Adonis clarified, "I mean how did you end up here?"

I bit my lip, wondering if I could trust him or not. The rational side of me argued that I had only met him a few minutes ago, but my gut compelled me to tell him.

"I was running away,"

Adonis' gaze hardened in realization, "From who?"

I shook my head, that was enough information for today. I didn't feel like spilling my guts out about things that could get me killed to a stranger; much less with my mates' friend.

Adonis cleared his throat uncomfortably. "The boy you arrived with," Adonis tilted his head, his eyes glinting with mischief, "Is he your lover?"

I laughed, "Goddess, no. Nicos is... family." I chose my words, carefully.


"Not biological, we met a few years ago. He's like my little brother."

"Where are you parents?"

I pursed my lips, unwilling to answer his question.

Changing the topic, I tilted my head to the side, "Where is Nicos now?"

"He's in the room next door. He's still resting. The nurses are tending to his wounds."

I sighed, relieved, "Is he alright?"

"Kyros has some of the best medical care in the West, I wouldn't worry."

I nodded, my heart skipping a beat at the sound of his name. "So... what's gonna happen to us now? I mean we trespassed into this territory... and uh, that's technically considered an outlaw."

He looked up at me, smiling, "Kyros would rather die than harm a single hair on your body."

I nodded, ignoring his comment. That was good. That meant me and Nicos were safe. 

Suddenly his greyish eyes popped into my thoughts, the smouldering sight of them was enough to make me shudder in pleasure. Kyros was incredibly appealing to look at. I mentally rolled my eyes at my thoughts, the Mate bond was already infatuating my thoughts with him. Not that I minded. I'd spend an eternity staring at Kyros if I could.

"Can I talk to him...?"


I nodded, slowly.

Adonis smiled sadly, "I don't think Kyros wants anyone to be around him. He's been quite preoccupied with matters concerning his pack."

I frowned, nodding anyways.

Adonis put on a grin, "How about I show you around?"

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