Chapter Twenty Eight

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His strong hands, slightly rough from beating the Lycan to a pulp, held mine as he stared deep into my eyes. I couldn't help but blush. His body was warm and soft as he hugged me, comforting to the touch.

Adonis followed closely behind as a throng of Lycans surrounded us. He cocooned me into his arms. I held back my fear and melted into his body like putty.

His voice was deep, with a serious tone. His lips brushed my ear as he spoke, "I'll be back. Just let me kill these motherfuckers."



UNWRAPPING HIS THICK, burly arms from the curve of my waist, I watched in horror as Kyros pummelled the Lycans to the ground, eradicating the flock three by three. Against his agile movement, they stood no chance. Six pairs of rough hands tried to seize him. With a little gurgle, a now limp Lycan staggered backward to crumple in the sawdust. 

Another creature, leaping like a panther, landed on Kyros' back. Dropping abruptly, Kyros executed a somersault, shook himself free and rose only to butt his head into the Lycans' stomach. He took them all by himself. I bit my lip, fearing for his safety as the worry creeped up on me.

My gaze shifted towards Adonis, who had just finished balling his fist and colliding it with a lycans cheekbone, flaying his neck backward like a willow caught in the wind. A. Our gaze met and he jogged his way over to me. "C'mon. I know a way out."

I shook my head, "I'm not leaving without Kyros."

Adonis grinned, "It's adorable how you're worried for him, but he has a plan."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, taking one last glance towards my mates way, praying to the Moon that he'd be safe and sound. 

I let Adonis lead me out of the building, our movements quick as we wasted no time making our escape. A forest had been located a mile North of the building. We wandered the forest, only hearing our feet tread, hearing the cracking twigs and leaves underfoot. A smell of timidness hovered in the air. Clutching my fists tightly, I kept moving forward. We ran as far as we could, before the heaves of my chest couldn't be ignored much longer.

"We... should... take... a break." I panted, slowing my pace down to a jog.

Adonis nodded in agreement, "Okay, we have to keep moving soon."

"How did you guys get here?"

"We flew here in Kyros' helicopter."

My eyes widened, "How far are we... from the West?"

Adonis snarled, "Those bastards took you all the way to Macedonia."

I swallowed audibly, "Wow."

"Lets keep going,"

When we had arrived to the helicopter, Adonis scoured the area to make sure none of the lycans had followed us here. 

"What now?"

"Kyros should be done by now."

A thick pair of arms suddenly wrapped around my waist, pulling me towards his hardy torso. I felt his breathing on my neck and I instantly recognised the scent. 


He snuggled the tip of his nose into the curl of my neck. His embrace was warm, and his big, strong arms seemed very protective when wrapped around my frail body. The world around me melted away as I squeezed him back, not wanting the moment to end. I wrapped my arms around his neck in return, laying my head on his broad chest, too shocked to utter a word. 

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