Chapter Twenty Six

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Kyros (3rd person)

KYROS KISSED HIS human form goodbye, not daring to waste a single second when Talia could be in more danger than she already had been. He swore to the Gods that he would slaughter every Lycan that came within a meter radius of her.

His sadistic brain kept replaying the image of her all battered and bruised - all alone and with no one by her side. The guilt was smothering him. Had he not pushed her away - he could've kept a closer eye on her, protected her, and hid her from the dangers of this world.

This was another reason that proved he wasn't good enough for her. He was imperfect; too bitter, too ruthless for her kind soul. She deserved something far better than his ass, someone who could've protected her.

But Goddess be damned was he a selfish being - he would hold on to her forever.

Kyros' eyes flashed with temper.

He picked up his pace; his thoughts glazed with murder and blood and his urge to protect her only grew.

Maybe he was imagining things; but he felt a surge of urgency flow through his blood, and one could only mistake this feeling as love.


I GULPED AS the unpleasantly scented man dragged me to the corridor where their boss had been situated.

The man rolled his eyes at me, "The more you struggle, the harder it'll hurt."

I growled at him, gathering a ball of saliva in my mouth and aiming it towards his face.

The security guard staggered back in surprise, "Did you just - spit on me?"

The surprise quickly morphed into anger as he ran towards me. There was stillness on both sides. If hatred was visible the air would have been scarlet. Then sudden movement, so much force in every blow. Before he was able to land a blow on me, a large figure ceased his attack mid-way.

"I asked for her to be untouched, guard, are you going against me?" He raised an eyebrow at my attacker.

I gulped, taking a step away from the two large men. I thought about running away, but I knew stood no chance and didn't dare risk a more severe punishment than the one I was already about to receive.

The guard snarled, a murderous glint in his eyes as glared at me. He looked between his boss and I then gave me a final smirk.

"He'll hurt you far worse than I ever could."

With that, he made his escape.

I swallowed, turning to both my saviour and foe; the man who'd ruined my life, along with every other celestial being.

Loki; the King of the Lycans.

They compared him to a God; his powers were that of one. He height staggered a tall 6 foot 4. The man was built like a wild animal, his chest muscles bulging and his biceps balls of strength. Even his legs were swelling with muscle.

"Never thought you'd see me again, huh?" He offered me a sly grin, one that suggested he was proud of this "achievement".

I aimed my gaze towards the ground, not daring to look him in the eye. I made that mistake once; I knew better than to repeat it.

"Oh, Natalia, you were always my favourite. Your powers were always far more superior to the rest. After all, thats why I never got rid of you."

I furrowed my eyebrows, keeping my head down.

He gripped my chin tightly so I could face him instead of the dark grey gravel, "Look at me, Natalia."

"Don't call me that."

Loki grinned at me, "Ahhh, there it is. You haven't changed one bit."

I snarled at him, yet I held my silence.

He took a step back away from me, then he paced around my body, analyzing me, analyzing every single move I made. He looked me up and down, a grave look taking place on his expression.

"Word on the street is that scum of a wolf, Kyros is your mate,"

I whimpered, not responding in fear of him harming my mate. I knew the lengths these people would go through to get back at me. I would never let them come close to him. Over my dead body.

"Is that true, Natalia, dear?"

The smug expression on his face made me want to punch him through these walls, but I kept my cool. I gritted my teeth together, "Don't. Call. Me. That."

"It seems you don't mind if we kill him then."

Something flashed in my eyes; my vision turned red. My clenched fists shook beneath me, the whites of my eyes vanishing, and my growls grew louder. A throng of yellow sparkles surrounded my form, shielding me as if they had protected me. My feet had left the ground, levitating in the air as my hair floated in odd directions.

Suddenly, the smug expression was wiped off Loki's face. His eyes widened a fraction and he took wide steps away from me. "What are you doing?"

I couldn't feel; I couldn't think; I couldn't breath; I could of only replay the images of Loki harming Kyros.

And that, is how my powers of destruction awakened.

A beam of light surrounded Loki, his form falling to the ground as his body began to convulse. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and a white liquid gushed from his mouth. Had I not stopped myself, Loki would have died in less than five seconds. 

The sheer amount of power I possessed was enough to kill any being in matter of seconds. 

"G-uards! G-uards!" Loki gagged, frantically, with what little energy he had left. Loki was a powerful man; but he knew better than to go against a celestial who had just awakened her powers. He wasn't foolish.

Abruptly, I felt myself being restrained, my wrists being tied together by silver. I groaned in pain, my moment of power dissipating and my fear returning.

"Take her back to her cell. την εγχέει με ασήμι (inject her with silver)."

I fought against their hold on me, but it was useless, I was far too weak to compete against them. 

After arriving at my cell, the guards threw me onto the ground as if I had been gum plastered at the soles of their feet. I growled at them, to which they snickered at.

If the guards hadn't restrained me, Loki would have died beneath my hand.

They tied my wrists back with the cuffs hanging from the ceiling. My heart rate sped up as I spotted one of the men holding a large needle filled with grey liquid. I whimpered, thrashing violently as they held me steady.

I felt the needle infiltrate my skin, the bottle of liquid invading my body. The dizziness came before the pain did.

And a cluster of nightmares took place.

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