Chapter Thirty One

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MY BRAIN STUTTERED for a moment and every part of me went on pause while my thoughts begun to catch up. My breath hitched as I spoke.

"You're a Cursed being."

It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

Kyros gave a curt nod in response, his expression with all the emotion of wet concrete, his facial muscles just as loose. There was no anger, no sadness, or resentment. His existence was a surging perplexity,

Swallowing the piece of information I just received, I wore a perplexed expression on my face. "I still don't understand. How did you find me?"

"Being one of the Cursed means I have a relationship with the Gods. I paid for my fathers mistakes. They are indebted to me."

"Oh," I swallowed, "You asked the Gods for help?"

Kyros nodded in response, analyzing my face for a reaction, any reaction. But I was adamant on remaining stoic and poised. I didn't know what to feel or what to think. What does one even say in this situation?

I stayed silent for a while before gathering up the courage to ask what had been on my mind for a while.

"Kyros... are you immortal?"

I noticed how his eyebrows had slightly narrowed as if he didn't want to answer the question. And by the way he stayed silent, I knew had received my answer.

"There has to be a cure, right? You have nothing to do with your father's mistakes, I don't understand why you're paying for them."

"There isn't one." He said, curtly.

"Have you tried looking for one?" I asked.

He turned his head as if to say no and I huffed.

"Why? Are you just going to silently accept your fate?"

"Are you asking me to challenge fate?"

"Yes, that is exactly what I'm asking you to do."

Kyros rolled his eyes, "This conversation is over."

I sighed, remaining silent. I had to give him space. I understood his pain and I understood why he didn't want to do anything about it. He had lost hope. Kyros loved to fight, display his anger and determination, except when it came to himself. He barely slept well, or loved himself enough, almost as if he saw himself as a mistake.

I couldn't change who he was - I could help him - but only he could change himself.

I left the conversation alone and let it slide. I didn't want to pressure him about anything he wasn't ready for, I could only be there for him and wait for him to take the right decision.

Suddenly, the old Kyros had resurfaced and his cold demeanour returned. He slid his chair back roughly, making me flinch, leaving Adonis and I on the table as he silently headed up stairs. My heart ached for him. I felt his pain through our bond, the kind of pain he was so good at hiding.

I turned to Adonis, "Where is his father? Why isn't he around?"

Adonis faced the direction Kyros just left in as he answered. "Lycaon's mate wasn't immortal like he was. She died. So he abandoned the pack and his son and just... vanished."

"The entire werewolf community knew about their great love; Isabella and Lycaon. When she died, he couldn't bare it."

I narrowed my eyebrows, a bubble of anger filling up within me, "So, he just left Kyros alone?"

Adonis nodded grimly.

What kind of father could do that to their child? In the times they both needed each other the most, he disappeared. I guess I understood why Kyros didn't want to reverse his fate. Maybe he felt himself deserving of the destiny he'd been given.

But I was dead set on reversing his fate, because like many problems on earth, there had to be a solution.


It had been a few hours since Kyros had marked me and I felt like he had been running away from me. He cooped himself in his tiny office, refusing to leave, not even to eat.

I was in the kitchen, cooking some Penne Arrabbiata and some chocolate cake for dessert (I didn't know the first thing about cooking but using Esmerelda's handy recipe book, I simply followed the steps). Apparently, Kyros loved pasta. 

Esmerelda respectfully disapproved when I said I would make him chocolate cake, insisting that Kyros would not eat anything sweet, because he hated sweets.

I shook my head at her, who doesn't like chocolate cake?

Just because we were kind of in a "fight" didn't mean that I wanted him to starve. My conscious wouldn't let me not worry about his eating habits - not to mention my wolf, who by the way still was ignoring me since I made the decision to leave. 

I looked funny as I had been cooking and baking. I wasn't experienced (at all!) so I tended to make lots of mistakes, but I paid extra attention to the instructions.

I had my tongue in between my teeth, slighting poking out of my mouth and chocolate sauce on my cheek. "Two cups of flour-" I murmured.

I squeaked when all of a sudden the flour engulfed my shirt. I groaned, not realising the bag had been ripped when I tried pouring it in the cup.

Sniffing the air, smoke coming from the pot of pasta boiling on the stove had caught my attention. Making cake and pasta at the same time was not a good idea. I rushed to the pot, turning the stove off before the alarm could ring, just in time to save it. I grinned. "Yess!"

I plucked the hood from the pot and sniffed the deliciousness that I, myself, created and licked my lips. The steam from the pot engulfed my face as I took a whiff of all the spices incorporated into the dish. It smelled so good.

Once I finished the cake, sweeped the flour off the floor and took a shower, I was going to surprise Kyros in his office with a tray of the food I made for him. I was sure he was hungry and I couldn't wait for him to taste it.

Currently, I had been sporting a messy bun with messy strands of hair that kept hitting my face. I wore a white, sleeveless tank top and a short, black skater skirt under my flour-filled, pink apron. Not to mention, my adorable bunny slippers.

Once the cake was in the oven, I grabbed the broom and began to sweep the floor that had been coated in the heaps of white flour.

There was a lonely piece of chocolate chip on the counter that grabbed my attention mid-sweep. Almost on cue, my stomach growled. I grinned, I could so go for that.

I dropped the broom, grabbing the chocolate chip in my hand and accidentally stepping on the heap of flour. I closed my eyelids, embracing my self for the fall, but a large pair of biceps cocooned me, hindering my fall.


I winced, opening my eyes slowly and gave him a big grin.

Every muscle on his torso was clenched through his white shirt. He was a living work of art, his sleeves rolled up and a button on his dress shirt unbuttoned. His eyes were locked onto mine, seemingly unimpressed.

"Want a chocolate chip?"

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